Bolden allows you to directly finance French SMEs. It is a good site and an excellent alternative to competitors that are currently on the market. I you Council after this test.
For d´un bonus sign up here and enter promotion code: FLOER-121-1645
D´investissements site description
Bolden allows you to directly finance French SMEs as many platforms currently. Loans have a duration of 1 to 5 years and are remunerated at a fixed rate between 4% and 12% before fees Bolden and taxes. It is therefore operating costs, paid by lenders, in the amount of 1% of the outstanding capital per year (costs offered to the subscription of a financier Pack) which is quite in the sector average. Originality comes that Bolden literally used the techniques of HYIP packs to invest. But at this site packs are useful for diversification, for example a pack of €1000 to d´investir in 4 projects of €250 per project with 0% fresh operation (instead of 1%) and priority access to new projects.
When simple c´est operation, Bolden chooses the rate, once the amount of the funded loan project is closed. So you n´avez qu´a you care to know how much you want to invest and bolden s´occupe from the rest. In fact if business footprints c´est that contrary to the increasingly cautious banking system, the selection criteria are more flexible, less stringent. The rates are so much higher on a crowdlending platform to reward the risk taken by the investor.
Interesting Bolden offers a profile d´investissement Simulator to find out what type d´entreprises you should invest, personally I'm security (cheap? c´est new ca, probably because of my capital).
For d´un bonus sign up here and enter promotion code: FLOER-121-1645
Why invest
c´est system d´investissement interesting. You can get jusqu´a 12% return before taxes while helping a SMEs. Everyone is a winner.
You can finance the project of an entrepreneur who wants to grow his business and create jobs. You know exactly what will serve as your money. You invest in real l´economie creating l´emploi in France, which is increasingly a solidarity gesture.
You choose the projects you want to support, you invest, you receive your interests and remove your money online. You can also subscribe a financier Pack.
You can choose
Indeed l´epoque or experts of the Bank you were pushing to invest in such product qu´ils should sell is now officially over. You can now choose you even companies on which you want to put your money and your confidence.
Your assets are kept in S-money, the BPCE Group subsidiary – Bank popular savings. All transactions are secure. In the event of cessation of Bolden, our S-money payment services provider, contractually provides reimbursement by SMEs from existing loans to maturity.
from €20
Pay from €20 and receive your payments monthly
Experts analyze and retain less than 2% of these records
To diversify
The crowdfunding is a great way to diversify your investments.
For figures
For d´un bonus sign up here and enter promotion code: FLOER-121-1645
A few important concepts
What are the risks?
Invest in a SMEs involves a risk of loss of capital in the event of failure of a SMEs and need an asset of your savings. Businesses are rigorously selected by Bolden, but despite all our efforts, zero risk does not exist, so we recommend you diversify your investments on several projects. If a deadline for repayment is not honoured, Bolden will warn you and will work with the borrower to cover or reschedule debt if necessary. If no solution is found, a collection agency will be mandated by Bolden.
In the event of cessation of Bolden, our S-money payment services provider, contractually provides reimbursement by SMEs from existing loans to maturity.
What are the regulations?
Bolden is agent provider payment service (Article L525-8 of the monetary and financial Code), mandated by S-money, subsidiary of the Bank Populaire Caisse d'Epargne group, registered with the authority of control prudential and Resolution, approval n ° 16528.
Bolden IFP, Bolden SAS subsidiary, is registered in the register of the ORIAS as an intermediary in participatory financing (IFP), registration No. 14006823.
How are refunds paid?
Repayments which include your principal amortized as well as your interests are paid monthly so your account of Bolden.
How do you select projects?
Our team of experienced analysts rigorously selects SMEs, according an exclusive model of credit rating and financial performance monitoring.
Bolden has developed a decision tree sole proprietor on the basis of information provided by Altares and Fiben (Bank of France). This process allows to make a first analysis business loan fast and systematically based on:
- an analysis sheet (subsequently refined internally)
- an opinion sector, based on the aggregation of historical data such as average performance, health and observed average risk
- control of payment behaviour
As a result of the first filter, Bolden is a detailed analysis of the company and the project, according to a unique rating system organized around two main axes:
- quantitative analysis: data bilancielles historical and forward-looking, followed by cash, sectoral information
- qualitative analysis: our experts contact directly the management team (physical or telephone appointment) in a systematic way, in order to judge the realism of the project (management experience, management tools in place, medium and long term strategy, economic environment).
If the result of these studies is satisfactory, the dossier is submitted to the Board of investment of Bolden, which assigns a score ranging from A to E (at least risky to most risky); If the minimum is not achieved, the draft was rejected.
How notes and interest rates work?
The proposed interest rate consists of a rate base (4% to 01/01/2016) to which is added a premium of risk (between 0% and 8%). Between 4% and 12%, the final rate compensates so with transparency and precision the financier for the risk of default by borrowers. This rate is defined on the basis of the rating by our team of analysts.
-Risk minimum (estimated 0.4% failure rate)
B – Very low risk (estimated 0.6% failure rate)
C – Low risk (estimated 0.9% failure rate)
D – Moderate risk (estimated 1.2% failure rate)
E – High risk (estimated 2.3% failure rate)
We reassess semi-annually grid proposed interest level of identical risk rates, depending on the evolution of criteria macroeconomic (among which interest rates, French and European growth, average failure rate), and other criteria such as the supply and demand. Such a change impact as upcoming folders, the rate being fixed during the implementation of projects on Bolden.fr, and for the duration of the loan.
How can I pay?
The minimum amount that it is possible to invest in a project is € 20. There is no amount maximum.
What happens if the lift is not complete at the end of the deadline?
If the full amount requested by the SME has not fully met at the end of the exercise period, all monies received shall revert to the financiers who participated.
Why must I provide supporting documentation?
For reasons of security and fight money laundering, our payment service provider must verify the identity of the financiers who have a total of operations in any year by an amount greater than or equal to € 2,500. Bolden asked the financier a copy of a valid identification and proof of address less of 3 months. Information you give us remains confidential and is stored on a secure server.
If wish you to proceed with a transfer to your bank account, these documents will be charged.
In accordance with Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, relative to information technology, files and freedoms, you have a right of access and rectification of the personal data concerning you. You can at any time to modify your documents or remove them, on request.
Is my money available at any time?
The money invested is blocked for the duration of the project (1-5 years) as well as during the campaign.
However, loans are depreciable, you receive a part of the capital and interest monthly in equal parts.
How can I withdraw money from my account Bolden?
You can withdraw the money available on the account you provide us the RIB, on simple request online at any time. For regulatory reasons, you have sent in advance your supporting documents in order to receive the funds.
How work Packs financers and automatic reinvestment?
By subscribing to one of our packs you ask Bolden to invest in your place depending on the conditions of the subscribed package (number of projects funded and amount by project). Your money is automatically invested on the number of projects. The amount total is not immediately invested and may take time to deployment according to the number of projects available on the platform. In the meantime your assets are kept at Natixis (groupe BPCE). Each investment, you will receive a notification by mail. You have a right of veto on projects that you do not want to finance, to exercise this right, simply contact us at the following address: support@bolden.fr.
You must perform your own analysis of the legal, tax, accounting and regulatory of these transactions in order to determine the pros and cons of each of the projects proposed in the pack and do not submit to Bolden for this. Bolden will not be able to be held responsible for any financial or other consequences related to the implementation of the transactions described in this document.
You can also enjoy the automatic reinvestment of any sum of money available (from € 5 per project) to the account of the holder of a financier Pack on the 1st and 15th of each month. Through a proprietary algorithm, the money is spread over all of the projects being thrown on the platform. Automatic reinvestment allows to optimize yields and diversify its portfolio in a large number of projects.
What are the costs?
Annual operating costs are 1% of capital outstanding on loans made. This deduction is made at source. Costs are offered for any subscription to a financier Pack. Bolden reserves the right to reduce or eliminate these charges in the context of promotional operations.
For example, a loan of € 500, at the rate of 8%, over a period of 3 years gives rise to 36 monthly instalments of €15.67 gross before tax and charges Bolden. These €15.67 decompose for the first deadline, in € 12,34 of depreciation of capital, and € 3.33 interest gross. Will be retained by Bolden 1% / 12 of the capital remaining due prior to payment of the monthly payment, or 1% x 500 / 12, i.e. € 0.42.
Can a company repay its loan early?
Yes, it can, with fees of 3% of the outstanding capital. The financier will receive then the principal and interest remaining due, in a single and final transfer.
How does sponsorship work?
Any person registered on the site can sponsor new users. To be taken into account, the Godson must mention the referral code that is supplied by the sponsor. To be credited, you must fill the investment conditions. The details of the operation of the offer (duration, amount credited to sponsors and godchildren, sum to invest on a first draft) are specified on the sponsorship page as well as on the invitation email.
Attention, this offer only works for a new registrant and with his first investment. The only action to credit his account is not eligible, should have made an offer of loan and that it be validated at the end of the exercise period. The amount offered will be then credited within 10 days on account of the Godfather and Godson Bolden.
How do promotions work?
Bolden broadcasts regularly of promotional offers on its site or on any partner sites as well as on social networks. To qualify, you must fill necessary investment conditions specified on the offer. It's a welcome offer, whether for the new user to register code on the registration form.
Attention, promotions are not cumulative with offer of sponsorship. The only action to credit his account is not eligible, should have made an offer of loan and that it be validated at the end of the exercise period. The amount offered will be then credited within 10 days your account of Bolden.
I am tax resident outside France, how to benefit from the exemptions?
As foreign tax resident you are entitled, in accordance with the legislation in force, a reduced tax (rate of withholding tax of 15%) interest income and an exemption from social security contributions (CSG, DRES,…). To this end, you must send us before December 31 proof of your tax residence abroad, your name and dated in the current year. The following documents are accepted:
- a tax certificate referred by the tax authorities in your country of residence (forms n ° 5000 and 5002)
- a notice of taxation in your country of residence,
- a certificate of residence and registration in the register of the french established outside France (document from the Consulate).
On the basis of bilateral tax conventions in force, your investment may be less than 15% (up to total exemption) taxation. For your situation, and the steps to take to qualify for a rate of less than 15%, please contact us giving us your country of residence for tax purposes.
For companies and holdings in France, the interests that you receive each month are taxed at corporate tax.
For tax residents outside France, you can benefit, in accordance with the regulations, a reduced tax (rate of withholding tax of 15%) interest income and an exemption from social security contributions (CSG, DRES,…). To this end, you must send us before December 31 of each year proof of your residence tax abroad in your name and dated in the current year. The following documents are accepted:
- a tax certificate referred by the tax authorities in your country of residence (forms n ° 5000 and 5002)
- a notice of taxation in your country of residence,
- a certificate of residence and registration in the register of the french established outside France (document from the Consulate).
On the basis of bilateral tax conventions in force, your investment may be less than 15% (up to total exemption) taxation. For your situation, and the steps to take to qualify for a rate of less than 15%, please contact us giving us your country of residence for tax purposes.
Why SMEs accept high rates?
Far from being in opposition with the banks, the crowdlending is a modern complementary financing tool for businesses. SMEs who use participatory financing may have different motivations:
- Desire to get closer to their customers and suppliers around a common project
- Opportunity to do an operation of communication and recruitment of new customers around an innovative way to finance
- Wish to limit its dependence on its bank which may sometimes ask too many guarantees or take too much time to decide and to release the funds.
- Refusal of banks because the amounts are too low (often less than € 50,000) or are not taken into account or misunderstood by the latter, and yet strategic investments for SMEs (campaign marketing, recruitment, development of a website, etc).
How can I close my account Bolden?
The prerequisite for the closure of an account is the lack of loans outstanding. You can request the closure of your account by sending an email to support@bolden.fr.
For a particular tax resident in France, the interests that you get each month are taxable as income tax. In practice, Bolden reverse your interest after a flat-rate withholding tax from 24% more social security levies from 15.5%. This is a down payment on your income tax.
You will have to pay (or receive, if your marginal rate is less than 24%) tax on the income corresponding to the difference between 24% and your marginal rate. If you receive less than €2,000 per year of investment in fixed income products, you can claim on your income tax return, be subjected to a discharge by flat-rate taxation from 24% (this is interesting if your marginal tax rate is greater than 24%).
How do the tax return?
Each year, your printed single tax (IFU) will be downloadable from your dashboard Bolden. It contains the necessary information to complete your tax return no. 2042 (item "Income from movable capital and values", in box 2TR).
If you earn less than €2,000 per year of investment in fixed income products and opt for the taxation of your interest at the standard rate of 24%, this option is formula by registering your interest box 2FA.
Why borrow?
Response within 5 days, funds available in a few weeks
€ 5 000 to € 400,000, from 1 to 5 years
The Bolden, its amount loan
Bolden allows you to borrow directly from individual and institutional, french and foreign,
€ 5 000 to € 400,000, at a rate between 4% and 12%.
It's an amortising loan entered into by your SME and a multitude of lenders. The monthly repayments are handled by automatic debit, and it is at any time possible to repay early outstanding capital.
Who can borrow?
In order to be analyzed by our team, your SME must meet the following criteria:
3 years and minimum available balance sheets
have a SIREN code
having a development project:
- investment material or immaterial,
- recruitment,
- purchase of stock,
- establishment of a subsidiary,
- real estate rental,
- communication,
- etc.
turnover greater than €100,000;
You can test your eligibility and make contact with our teams by clicking here.
How is handled my file?
Each project checking the above-mentioned conditions subject:
in-depth study, based on the financial statements for the last 3 years, on the forecast and sectoral considerations;
an Exchange with the nominee to a Bolden loan Manager, face to face or by telephone; This systematic mode allows to familiarize themselves with the economic reality of the contractor, and better appreciate the quality of the classic folders due diligence: identity verification, checks anti-money laundering, certification URSAFF…
We are committed to study any folder, regardless of the sector of activity or the type of project. To learn more about our selection process, click here
Projects validated by the Investment Committee are assigned a score between 1 and 5, least risky to most risky. Each note corresponds to a rate of interest, ranging from 4% to 12% (31/05/2015; rates are revised quarterly). This rate of interest, fixed for the duration of the loan, consists of a base and a risk premium rates. For lenders, it's a gross rate: the rate of net return is impacted by the Bolden costs (between 0% and 1%) and taxation (15.5% for CSG + marginal income tax rate).
Implementation line and funding
If the proposed rate suits you, your project is put online for a term of between 30 and 60 days. During this period, the financiers discover your business, the analysis of Bolden and your financial statements (only registrants have access). You will put in place on your side also a communication campaign that will accompany your application for funding to maximize your chances of success.
As soon as the requested amount is reached, the loan is granted. You will then receive a unique loan agreement and the funds you are transferred within 3 working days. If the funding target is not reached in time, all of the amounts is sent to each funder.
Life of the loan
Each month, interest and amortized capital shall be taken on the account of your choice, and automatically donated to your lenders, according to the schedule of the loan.
Our analysts also perform an annual review of your file, in order to follow your commercial and financial situation.
Principle of the loan
Loan contract Bolden directly connects a financier (natural or legal persons) to SMEs. It lets you borrow € 5 000 to € 400,000 over a period of 1 to 5 years and is depreciable like a conventional loan.
Pay from €20 and receive your repayments each month. You can get jusqu´a 12% return before taxes while helping a SMEs.
For d´un bonus sign up here
Eligibility criteria
For the loan application is studied by teams of Bolden, the SMEs must check the following criteria:
have completed at least 3 accounting years
submit a turnover of more than €100,000.
Selection of SMEs
Bolden is a detailed analysis of funding applications. The method detailed below, combines the notice of a recognized external provider, Altares, ad hoc studies of our teams of analysts according to a proprietary credit scoring system. Successive filters which we apply diligently allow to judge the quality of each folder in an objective manner, and thus limit risk taking.
External rating
Bolden has developed a decision tree sole proprietor on the basis of information provided by Altares. This process allows to make a first analysis of the corporate borrowers in a fast and systematic manner. Our decision tree is more scalable, factor rating weighted according to the payment of previously noted business behavior.
Our partner Altares based his analysis on a variety of indicators, including:
analysis sheet (subsequently refined internally).
an opinion sector, based on the aggregation of historical data such as average performance, health and average risk observed;
control of payment behaviour.
Scoring internal
As a result of external rating, Bolden is a detailed analysis of the company and the project, according to a unique scoring system, organized around two main axes:
quantitative analysis: data bilancielles historical and forward-looking, followed by cash, sectoral information;
qualitative analysis: our experts contact directly the management team (physical or telephone appointment) in a systematic way, in order to judge the realism of the project (management experience, management tools in place, medium and long term strategy, economic environment).
Due diligence
In addition to financial analysis, Bolden checks the following documents:
room (s) identitedu Manager and any associated holding 25% or more of the shares or shares;
extract from the register of commerce checking the identity of the borrower (commonly called K-Bis);
certificate of provision of social declarations and payment of social security contributions and contributions provided by the URSAFF;
Declaration on honour of the accuracy of the information provided by the Manager and the existence of disputes against the Manager or his company.
If the result of these studies is satisfactory, the package is submitted to the Investment Committee of Bolden, who assigns a score between 1 and 5 (of the least risky to most risky); If the minimum score of 5 is not obtained, the project is rejected.
This note takes into account elements quantitative, qualitative, and is adjusted according to the amount and the term of the loan. Each level of risk is subdivided into 5 sub-categories (1.1, 1.2,…, 5.5) which corresponds to a risk premium.
The folder is put online on bolden.fr only after a favourable opinion by the Investment Committee.
Interest rate
The proposed interest rate consists a rate of base (4% at 30/06/2015) to which is added a premium of risque(entre 0% et 8%). Between 4% and 12%, the final rate compensates so with transparency and precision the financier for the risk of default by borrowers.
We believe that it is our duty to guide each lender all regulatory obligations beyond only presenting the characteristics of loan companies and key risk factors, but also by imposing the interest rate corresponding to the risks of the projects presented on Bolden. For us, the remuneration of your savings and your risk taking must always be compensated.
Finally, we reassess semi-annually the grid of interest rates proposed, at the same risk level, depending on the evolution of criteria macroeconomic (among which interest rates, French and European growth, average failure rate), and other criteria such as the supply and demand. Such a change impact as upcoming folders, the rate being fixed during the implementation of projects on Bolden.fr, and for the duration of the loan.
Our methodology, based on our experience and the best practices identified in the area of SME credit, allows us to select and propose on Bolden of folders with a limited default risk.
However, despite all our efforts, zero risk does not exist. Our analyses are provided for guidance and the risk of loss, in capital and interest, partial or total, is real.
To limit your exposure, consider diversifying your investments on SMEs.
For more information, see frequently asked Questions.
For d´un bonus sign up here
Other information about Bolden
Security level, which is Bolden?
Bolden is a legal website, for evidence it is registered with the authority of control prudential and Resolution, approval n ° 16528. Bolden IFP, Bolden SAS subsidiary, is registered in the register of the ORIAS as an intermediary in participatory financing (IFP), registration No. 14006823.
As always the Council of basic (I do reinvents the wheel) lend money to a company presents a risk of non-repayment and immobilisation of his savings. To reduce your risk, consider diversifying your investments on several companies and pay l´argent you n´avez not need.
More j´aime know who is behind a website and there no problems, j´ai list of leaders, which is good.
76, route the halfpipe
By telephone: 01 80 04 10 39
Standard open from Monday to Friday, from 9 h to 18 h
Email: contact@bolden.fr
By mail:
Madeleine – Ark hills
92057 Paris La Défense Cedex
Mink Bolden
Our vision
Bolden in 4 dates
October 2014: New framework legal participatory financing
November 2014: Creation of Bolden
April 2015: Launch of the platform
January 2016: Funders packs are evolving and are enriched with automatic reinvestment
Meet a real need
Contrary studies show that the french are not pessimistic. They have development projects and want to invest otherwise. Many individuals want to move their capital in savings solutions that have meaning. They are willing to take risks but provided that yields are at the height of their expectations.
Parallel the TPE and SMEs have projects, but they face growing difficulties of financing that hinder or even stop their entrepreneurial spirit.
This observation was born the idea to connect with each other.
Team Bolden

Tristan is a professional financing and asset management. He has held various positions in London for 9 years: financial analyst at Altedge Capital, co-manager of investment in RBS Asset Management Fund, then associate director, Manager of investment at Barclays. It has also funded 180 projects in a personal capacity. Tristan is a graduate of the ESC Bordeaux and holds a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst).

Pierre Merlet – Technical Director
Pierre is in charge of the development of the platform and securing the data. He spent 3 years in the design and development of solution software for the financial industry. Passionate about new technologies, it offers an innovative and robust platform. Stone graduated from the ECE Paris.

Joel Gaudeul – Marketing & Operations Manager
Joel is the expert Marketing of Bolden, it defines acquisition and retention strategies and applies its expertise available to dynamic SMEs which rely on Bolden. He worked for more than ten years in companies involved in new technologies, mobile, software RH through video games and Mobile. Joel is a graduate of the ESSEC business school and ESC Rouen.

Serge de Faÿ – financial analyst
Serge main mission is to ensure the analysis and selection of the project files. Graduated from EDHEC Business School and holds a Master 2 in business law, Serge de Faÿ worked at HSBC as a financial analyst in the Directorate of business real estate and also has experience of Economist within CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre where he directed economic modelling, sectoral studies and financial assessments on behalf of large international groups.

Louis Brabant – Sales Manager
Louis is responsible for the SME relationships. It has a strong experience of the commercial and financial advice from SMEs and startups. He is associate founder of FDV Partner and was previously manager at SOAT and Auditor at Ernst & Young. Louis graduated from ESC Reims.
Asma Fahim – manager relationship borrowers
Asma is responsible for the promotion of the activities of Bolden. She accompanies more than three years of companies of different sizes to develop different strategic directions of their activity (HR, Informatics and Marketing). Asma is graduate of the Idrac Business School and holds a 2 Master of business engineering.
Strategic Committee

Dr. Bob Swarup – Risk Management
Bob is founder of Global Camdor, an agency of strategic Council destined for regulators and financial institutions based in London. Bob was previously a Partner at Pension Corporation. Bob wrote in the economic and financial press (Financial Times, The Guardian, The Economist) and recently wrote a book on financial crises throughout history entitled 'Money Mania', published by Bloomsbury Press in 2013. Bob is a graduate of Cambridge University and Imperial College London (PhD).

Julien Callede – Marketing
Julien is founder and Director of Operations of Made.com, an internet site for the sale of furniture founded in 2010 that upsets the rules of design and development of Interior, Made.com operates in England, France and Italy and has 150 employees. Julien was previously responsible for investment at GCE Capital, a private equity, LBO and development capital management company based in Paris. Julien graduated from HEC Paris.
Capital of the company, which owns bolden?
Bolden, SAS with a capital of 150 000 euros, registered at the RCS of Nanterre n ° 810 250 746, registered office: the Madeleine, the hills of the Ark, 92057 Paris La Défense Cedex. Bolden is agent service provider payment, mandated by S-money, subsidiary of the Bank Populaire Caisse d'Epargne group, registered with the prudential control authority and Resolution, approval n ° 16528. Bolden IFP, Bolden SAS subsidiary, is registered in the register of the ORIAS as an intermediary in participatory financing (IFP), registration No. 14006823.
S – money
S – money is a company of the Group BPCE, 2nd banking group in France. It is an electronic money institution authorised in France by Capra (prudential and Resolution authority), accreditation n ° 16528.
As a regulated payment institution, S-money performs transactions (transfers, withdrawals) and secures the funds in an account opened with Natixis (Banque Populaire) cantonment. When you open and fund an account on Bolden, your money is kept in the cantonment account until you use it to lend.
In accordance with legal obligations, a management procedure of the loans outstanding (withdrawals from the accounts of the project promoters and repayments to lenders) has been implemented with S-money where Bolden would no longer be able to continue to manage this business.
Participatory financing France
Participatory financing France (FPF) is an association law 1901 having for objective collective representation, promotion and defence of the rights and interests of stakeholders in participatory finance (also called crowdfunding) – among the regulatory authorities – to advance funding of projects (entrepreneurial, cultural, social, humanitarian, etc.) by the citizens, in particular in France.
Altares is a major player in the business information sector. Altares provides a score of business failure prediction. Each note corresponds to a probability of enter in collective proceedings (backup, receivership, liquidation) to a 12-month horizon. This statistical model is based on the complementarity of three types of data: structural (sector, size), financial (cash items), payment (payment behavior).
Those who talk about
Several newspapers
Economic daily that some of the content is available for free online. Free subscription to daily sectoral info letters.
The individual:
The individual publishes journals in the field of legal information and practical to assist individuals to defend their rights and protect their…
All the economic, financial and stock market news French on the website of L'AGEFI, agefi.fr. Free follow the news online of finance.
The tribune:
Stock market, financial and economic information daily online. All articles of the daily La Tribune to consult online.
For any initial investment of €250 or more, Bolden offers you €30!
To qualify, simply register by mentioning the sponsorship code
https://Bolden.fr/signup?code=FLOER-121-1645 and enter promotion code: FLOER-121-1645
Offer valid until 31/03/2016, for new users, for any initial investment of more than €250, subject to validation of the offer of loan underwriting. On behalf of the Godfather and Godson will be credited within 10 days of €30. Offer limited to 10 godsons who validated the operation. This amount must then be lent on another project before it can be removed from the account Bolden.
Information about payments
Credit your account Bolden of the amount of your choice from €20, by credit card (immediate) or bank transfer (3 working days). Your assets are stored in S-money.
As always you need a d´identite piece and a proof of residence + RIB to retrieve his money
My opinion after Bolden test
Bolden was once expensive but now it are quite correct. The projects are interesting and that makes working smarter your money in France. I think that Bolden to of l´avenir because it is already had several funded projects. C´EST a good alternative to sites like Lendix.

Your dashboard summarizes your loans, their schedules and the status of reimbursement.
Each new valid funding, a contract is automatically concluded between you and the SMEs (available model in your dashboard).
Loans in repayment are followed continuously by analysts: dialogue with the leaders of the commercial and financial development. If a payment incident should occur, the experts shall carry out a review of the situation and informs the concerned lenders.
On the projects menu is clear. Information, it is just this qu´il should be. However I blame police d´ecriture too small.

conclusion: j´investi and you?
For d´un bonus sign up here and enter promotion code: FLOER-121-1645