Direct boom is an advertising agency to shared revenues that hides a Ponzi, discover why.
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Description of this scam
Boom Direct created the event this year by becoming the first advertising network to shared revenues francophone no clicks.
Already tens of thousands of members and even English is put.
The concept is simple, 20% of the investments by members are available to business web advertising partners of BoomDirect. Boom Direct creates campaigns of professional marketing, Youtube Ads, Facebook, Google Adwords, Adsense etc… In short everything goes (ed. google adwords and google adsense are opposites anyway, so this shouldn't be together) in Exchange for advertising business partners share their profits with BoomDirect that redistributes more than 80% of these profits to members in the form of virtual shares.
The first advertisers partners are software H & R Block (specialized in taxation), Kaspersky (antivirus) and Cashadvance (U.S. transfer of cash type Western union). Found elsewhere more in the partner section.
Officially, how is the system of direct boom?
Here comes the partnership, on each open position the boomdirect trader opens positions to €50 which always begin in negative at €-4 which is the tradeo. The purpose of the trader is therefore simply to bring this position to 0 or in slight gain. On each boomdirect 40% Commission of tradeo key positions, the work of the trader is to open 2 positions by days so boomdirect key € 1.6 / position / Member/days on an average of 20 days per month all multiplied x 2 (since 2 positions by days) I therefore lets you to calculate the turnover!

On these amounts boomdirect reverse as a first step, 1 time per month and then in term 2 times per month, at least 75% of the revenue generated to the members according to their rank.
With BoomDirect, you get your pay every month. Indeed, a payroll, including your commissions according to your rank of positioning, your sponsorship commissions and your bonus is transferred into your account the first day of the month, and every month!
There are only two conditions to be met to receive your pay: you must be a member called BoomDirect and have a balance of more than $10 in commission in your account.
BoomDirect gives you the opportunity to reach your personal and financial goals. In all, it is a minimum of 75% of the overall profits of the company which are distributed to the members.
Already several million dollars have been paid in commission.
via the back-office BoomDirect.Cela in our interest at all, because more will be many registered on the platform Tradeo
Basically, more there will be members in BoomDirect and more monthly annuities will be high for all.
How to make l´argent and return to this scam
Sponsorship program optional on 4 levels (10% for direct referrals to 2% for all 4th level referrals).
You are not all required (e) sponsor, but if you do you will then earn a percentage of the earnings of your referrals and referrals of your referrals, on 4 levels. This can be very interesting, as you increase your envelope.
- Tier 1 (your direct referrals): 10%
- Level 2 (your godchildren godchildren): 10%
- Level 3: 10%
- Level 4: 5%

Each Member of BoomDirect is positioned as individual investor by purchasing advertising coupons at a price of $ 25 each. These coupons give its investors a return of 40%. 20% of each purchased coupon is invested in advertising web, strategically, in order to provide visibility and new sales business partners. The BoomDirect Member, when he makes the purchase of its coupon, selects in what line of business he wishes to invest this 20%: Electronics, computer science, health, travel, etc…
Minimum purchase: 2 coupons, maximum: 1200 coupons.
The minimum to invest back in boomdirect is $ 50. After nothing prevents you to further develop.
The ranks of positioning and commissions
With the rank of positioning, BoomDirect offers the possibility to increase your monthly revenue and better function in society. These rows represent your interest in the business!
There are a total of 10 rows of positioning, ranging from BRONZE to legend! Higher your rank, the more you receive significant monthly commissions, as well as potential customers (downline) you will be provided!
For a limited time, all new members will receive the BRONZE rank free!
Will you become the next legend?
The coupons are paid every week and generate added value by 40% (purchase $ 25 unit, pay $ 35). From there you know that it is a scam.
Note that the person who made this stuff maybe used descriptions of benefit 25 and not direct boom…
According to my information it € 7.9 for a pack of 50 to life, performance is not all the same.
Currently observed weekly performance of the coupons is 6% or 312% annual.
Here, no clicks to be paid. It is very significant, especially if it is already registered in other opportunities where you must click every day or every week.
Ed me when my calculation I found 7.9/50 = 15% monthly is 189% annual interest singles or if you reinvested with the formula for the geometric suites 1 *(1+0,15) power 12 = 535%
Change 2016
Starting in 2016 the coupons system will therefore leave place for ranks or levels of qualification that will be reduced to 10.
Skill levels range from "bronze" status to the status "caption".
As shown in the table below with 40000 members, approximate monthly earnings for a "bronze" is $ 7.90 for a "Platinum" $ 118.53, for a "caption" $ 9482.04. With 200,000 members annuities are even greater.
The old coupons will they be lost? should we give them money to restart the Ponzi scheme? I do not know.
The goal is to pass 40000 members 200000, see more. The reason is evident in the above table.
For those who are already members, depending on the number of coupons is determined after a simple calculation, their level of qualification.
For example if you have 72 coupons ($ 25 unit), from January 2016 all your coupons will arrive at maturity in one click so with a value of $ 35 (the famous 140%). And so the calculation is as follows:
72 x 35 = 2520
So you'll $ 2520 principal that matches the rank "star" on the above table. Your pension will be $ 553 per month.
Other information about this scam
Boomdirect accepts the most popular payment processors: Payza, Solid Trust Pay, Neteller, Perfect money and Bitcoin.

The CEO of direct Boom is the Québécois Johnny Martin:
Officially all investments made by members are used to sell products. Each week the sale of its products report money to BoomDirect.
For example BoomDirect will have managed to sell 1000 anti virus from Kapersky €50 the unit. BoomDirect has therefore earned € 50,000, which will be redistributed to all those who have purchased coupons.
So the gains of coupons vary from one week to another following the sales made by the company. More sales, better it will be for the members. And vice versa of course.
Sponsorship is paid on 4 generations:
Tier 1 (your direct referrals): 10%
Level 2 (your godchildren godchildren): 5%
Level 3: 2%
Level 4: 2%
This remuneration is paid to your account instantly upon registration of your downline.
These percentages apply on all advertising coupons purchased by your referrals as well as all their reinvestments! So you are going to touch money on everything that your genealogy purchases or reinvested, and this on 4 levels deep.
Information about payments
It is possible to withdraw your winnings at any time.
The minimum withdrawal is $ 50.
The means of payment on the BoomDirect site are:
NETeller, soldi trust, payza, and interact
No direct payment by credit card or bank transfer is possible
Why c´est a Ponzi, a cavalry
There are already several thousand members and already sponsorship gains that are paid, the site is in its end.
the privacy page stating that the site is called
MyBoomDirect uses a (greatly revamped according to J. Martin) HYIP script as evidenced by the privacy page stating that the site is called (a HYIP closed in 2011)…
Compensation cannot be
With such remuneration, no model can hold, c´est a pure utopia.

The week of 6% interest is 310% annual (I take the information of the members as the basis for calculation), knowing that the best stock investments provide about 5% annual, that j´arrive up to 20% and not without risk… then 310 c´est just impossible. Imagine if you put €10,000 and at the end of l´annee you * 3 i.e. € 30,000 and this seems normal to you? Not there is always a scam!
A totally Utopian yield of more than 6% per week gives, depending on the mode of calculation, 6 * 52 weeks 312% annual removing interest weekly (the output is displayed on the site, but it varies depending on the source), I advise you to ask your banker or directly to the relevant authorities what they say (the AMF telephone savings Info Service (: 01 53 45 62 00).
In addition, leaving the interests generated interests is therefore multiplied the initial amount of € 1 per 1.06% power 52 (geometric continued) was an annual return of 2 000% (compound interest), let's be serious.
With such profit by investing € 10,000 is obtained at the end of the year €206 000 and 2 years €4 283 610 to do it just clicks, you think? Which company is sufficiently profitable to pay for this? None
To the fact how is calculated the interest at boomdirect? I am not even sure of the method of calculating them. Not clear it all, mature packs – they awhile until a sum? Are interests simple or composite on these packs? Brief eel under rock.
Ed me when my calculation I find €7.9 monthly/50€ = 15% monthly package price either 1512 = 190% annual simple interest or if it reinvests with the formula of the suites geometric 1(1+0,15) 12 = 535% power, but the result does not change much in the end, it is utopian.
All for the most basic package!
Even better just for messing around in ultimate packs 9482/32500 = 29% of monthly interest or 350 per cent annual simple interest, 1 * 1, 29 power 12 = 2100%

Without any risk and life? Impossible. Moreover, in France the imprint say rather this "past performance does not guarantee necessarily upcoming performance. An investment in funds has risks, including the risk of capital loss. The value of an investment is subject to market fluctuations, and may therefore vary both the downward and upward. Therefore, purchasers of the funds may lose all or part of their capital originally invested."
Proposed performance is clearly utopian compared to serious offers.
Less than about bet in the actions of emerging markets within 10 years, clients should not rely on a yield exceeding 10% for their portfolios. Bonds will suffer capital losses, which will undermine their performance and actions should save an average yield of 7.5%.
A diversified portfolio should offer an average annual return of 5% to 7% over the next decade.
Boom offers more than 310% of performance without leverage and changes due to market… search for l´erreur. Almost 2 000% annual in compound interest (according to your calculation, but in all cases well too big)
And with the new system, it enters the total delirium.
23.5/50 = 47% monthly, delirium.
You can report scams here
Not really hot AMF on direct boom and compares it to get easy (Cavalry, scam, scam)
"You can for more information, contact the ARPP (authority of professional regulation of advertising,
For more information on sponsorship and pyramid systems, I invite you to read the specifications drafted by the Finance for all: so to contact the DGCCRF (General Directorate of e competition and consumption) at 3939.
Also, be aware that these practices are regulated by article Article L122-6 of the code of consumption.
The AMF has recently published an alert against the Geteasy company which also proposed a system of sponsorship:
The financial markets authority to warn the public against the company GET EASY
Therefore, we invite you to be very careful with the BOOMDIRECT company.
Kind regards
Editor's note (j have hidden the name of the person)
AMF savings service info *.
Authority of financial markets (AMF)
17, place of the Bourse 75082 Paris cedex 2
Tel. : (+ 33 1)
Hotline: Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00
E-mail: or contact form:
* AMF Epargne info service makes every effort to provide high quality responses to your questions and provide you with the information being sought. These answers in any way constitute legal advice"
Reminder: Get easy
The authority of financial markets (AMF) attracts the attention of the public on the activities of the company GET EASY on the french territory.
Society GET EASY (, whose headquarters would be located at 20/F, AIA Tower, 251-A – 301, Av Comercial de Macau, Macau, offers french investors, with an assumed monthly income guaranteed 100% for 12 months, to finance its activity which involves to make available to its customers from the geolocators. This remuneration is presented as that can be augmented by bonuses related to sponsorship.
You have questions? You can learn on our website or contact AMF savings info service 01 53 45 62 00 from Monday to Friday from 9 h to 17 h.
As a result many issues of savers, AMF indicate that GET EASY receives authorization to exercise an activity regulated by the AMF on the french territory.
The AMF recommends that investors do not give response to the demands of society GET EASY and do not relay them to third parties, in any form whatsoever.
No commercial speech must make you forget that there is no performance without high risk.
To ensure that the intermediary who offers products or financial services is allowed to operate in France, you can consult the list of service providers for eligible investment ( or the list of permitted in category Advisor investment financial (CIF) or equity investments (PAC) ( Advisor. If the person is on any of these lists, we strongly invite you to not respond to his requests.
Get easy article scam
The pursuit of sponsors as to get easy, this is what awaits sponsors on direct boom
On the site also and it is shown that sponsors are now PROSECUTED it will be same on direct boom, you can be sure.
The AMF of quebec is even worse on this Cavalry, she asks the denunciation:
In response to your request, we send you the requested information.
The site (ed. disabled link) is not and has never been registered with the authority of financial markets. This site is not allowed to solicit investors in Quebec. Before investing, it is essential to confirm the registration of the person or company that you have targeted public registry of the authority.
In case you or one of your loved ones think of having been wronged, or else have detected the illegal solicitation, we invite you to fill out the denunciation form provided for this purpose.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the information Centre at the numbers listed below, or visit our web site.
Note I have removed the name
Information centre
The financial markets authority
Phone: 418 525-0337 514 395-0337
Toll free: 1 877 525 – 0337
The information contained in this post are of general scope. They do not constitute legal advice to any person and shall not be interpreted as such. Therefore, you should consult your own acted as counsel in the legal consequences applicable to your particular situation. These information do not bind the authority of financial markets.
So it is still forbidden.

communication is not really clear
Suddenly a €25, a blow to 50 pack, then a pack that mature at 140%, suddenly a lifetime income, then with tradeo counterbalances on everything, in short it smells not good, it is not stable.
Suddenly level performance calculation, people no longer understand anything they told "anyway you understand, basically it earns more" mistrust
Yes more and more big especially.
A system based on growth.
It is not a good sign
Non-existent accounts
Are accounts they filed? Are audited by an independent auditor? Nothing on this point, then as compared to more than a year…
Getting paid to almost do nothing?
How be paid monthly in the new BoomDirect plan?
1 – Become a partner by registering for free, BoomDirect
2 – Create your account tradeo from your Back-office BoomDirect,
3 – Make a minimum deposit of $50 on Tradeo and copy the "Corporate BoomDirect" BoomDirect Trading profile.
4 – Get his rank of positioning on BoomDirect,
- not doing anything else and wait his monthly pay for life. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3, 4! ♫♪
ER it's foutage of mouth at this level not just? I make a cheque and I am paid to life?
Humor but this looks, non?
And just after we must learn to traider?
A good y three seconds at the top it says y nothing to do. Damn I understand 😉 I thought that it was enough to make his cheque and that I have nothing to do.
Small stuff on the video of boomdirect…
I do not have the impression that this is really their universities, in addition the company is located in Nice and direct boom at the other end of the world…
Finally according to what I found on rich goal dot fr
"Antony CEO Diamond Trading Academy:"
On the training of professional traders
Either in their private room or remotely
Marc Antoine recommended the professional traders to BoomDirect since Tradeo does not correspond to the habits of the Academy 'in terms of Spread.
Traders recommended by the Academy are in test to select an official trader BoomDirect.
"Johnny we are asked not to solicit Diamond Trading Academy directly it is not them who tradent."
Yet direct boom University it's them not? I ask the question. Response pending.
In any case diamond trading is not wet, they don't trade not themselves is what is written.
The packs are no longer there?
The packs have disappeared on the main site
CA is pretty good except that there are full of traces on partner sites, and one on the main site. On the main site there so a clean company in a tax haven, nothing much nasty…

They say that € 7 and a few packs depend on the number of the trader boomdirect Copier.
40000membres * 7, €5 = € 300000 to give Member by me
To take the shot really stir the cash
They say that € 7 and a few packs depend on the number of the trader boomdirect Copier.
40000membres * 7, €5 = € 300000 to give Member by me in a blank row.
knowing that direct boom has 70 000membre
70 000 * 7, 5 = 525 000
Boom redistributes 75% of performance and that this represents 40% of the partnership with tradeo was 525 000 / 0.75 0.4 = €1 750 000 per month just for the pension system that tradeo shall provide to boom.
good they say have brewed 20million, why not?
A suspicious name of officer
Martin, ben Yes just the most common name in France (the French are gifted in finance) and Johnny a name to US. There are dozens on google.
on facebok he said live in Quebec, but he recorded as an administrator of the server in the USA. The facebook profile is old.
An unstable model
Boomdirect n´a not really economic model at hand sell obscure d´investissement packs.
She says qu´elle sells antivirus, but the pay is not proportional to sales, but otherwise I can not find the topic on the site, because I want to buy one, too bad, still suspect something.
No serious payment system.
As always l´utilisation systems doubtful for paying members. If you do not see the bank transfer, c´est for a simple reason, banks n´acceptent not turning against of l´argent Crooks, Tracfin which ensures grain there. With bank transfer must be a name and l´escroc do not want to know his real name.
No control by regulatory authorities
He n y no labels of control of the authorities, yet not very difficult to imitate for a forger, but very difficult to actually achieve. I am sure that the owner doesn't know even not.
Note: the site is in french, you can ask the amf if they are registered, they are of course not. Therefore offer products at the French is already a mistake.
Verbiage to pro
The blabla on trading makes dream the most gullible, but in fact it just serves to hide the Ponzi scheme.
A record in a tax haven ex address.
The members said that the boom was in canada, yet this is not what is on the site.
At the time of its recording, direct boom was officially in a non-cooperative tax haven, but since December that it is. In any case, it is by for nothing that they are gone in a tax haven, probably to go with the caisse. Unfortunately they should not think that the State is more cooperative than expected. This does not mean that it is clean so far.
The better is that it is inconsistent with the info from the beginning, undertaken in canada. (
Besides the amf in quebec says it all.
The site is not and has never been registered with the authority of financial markets. This site is not allowed to solicit investors in Quebec. Before investing, it is essential to confirm the registration of the person or company that you have targeted public registry of the authority.
So the record is blank

And here is going on elsewhere, the British Virgin Islands, it is not at all like that
And then the top in the communication of Member :-):
Beware of companies located in a tax haven and it's ok for those in canada…
And vas y that they sponsor for direct boom located in… a tax haven. Yeah guys, going to review your copy.
Of the imprint probably not legal.
I am certainly not a lawyer, but when watching it makes me jump. The first thing that direct boom did what is not to provide the service, but exclude its liability. In any case I am sure that it should not be legal. It is the loser of a trial that paid counsel for the winner.
You acknowledge and expressly agree that you use this site at your own risk only. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Boomdirect and societies members of his group as well as their directors, officers, trustees and respective employees in relation to obligations, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, relating to a breach of these conditions by you or users of your account or arising in any way from the use of this site , including, but not limited to the posting or transmitting of information or elements on this site by you or users of your account.
You agree that the fees and disbursements extrajudicial incurred during a lawsuit against BOOMDIRECT will be borne in full by the Member initiating such prosecution. He cannot claim these amounts to Boomdirect. In case of litigation the Court of British Virgin Islands is assigned to hear both parties.
However the part on the Islands is correct, the shot person is going to do a trial for € 500, attorneys ' fees would be too high, clever.
french errors
I did not yet have time to fix everything, yet they have about 100 times more resources than me, a glance of "antidote"(le logiciel de correction) just..,.

Did you actually understand the economic model?
Frankly this sure looks complicated, and what is often obscure hiding something. In my home, if affiliates directly open a losing position, they earn no money, but lose…
Not to mention the many changes of packs or a communication misunderstood by members… (according to sources that differ greatly).
It looks more to of the smoking
I did not have official confirmation of serious partners.
The partners of the advertising.
A big abnormal strategic realignment
Moving from an advertising agency which sold for example antivirus a social trading platform nearly. This is still not a small change…
January 2015 to December 2015, BoomDirect functioned as a traditional advertising agency in which we invest in advertising spaces dedicated to advertisers private society. In one year, almost 40,000 members have joined BoomDirect and nearly $10,000,000 was invested by members.
In 1 year, BoomDirect is placed among the best opportunities of the internet.
Since the month of January 2016, BoomDirect has decided to offer all members even more interesting remuneration and above all, more durable in time by stopping its partnership with its advertisers and allying the social trading power, and more specifically with society Tradeo, leader on this market.
The concept is very simple, but also very rewarding: members are paid every 2 weeks a way on all the commissions generated by Tradeo (spread) and which are transferred to 40 per cent to BoomDirect.
The contract signed with Tradeo is 5 years, which is supposed to ensure a continuity in the company and a secure and sustainable income to members.
The new 2016 compensation plan:
For the sake of improvement continues, and to perpetuate its activity, a unique partnership was signed for a period of 5 years between BoomDirect and the trading Tradeo platform.
Don't worry: no special knowledge in trading is necessary, experts take care of everything, for members it's totally passive (connecting once a week to see his balance, it is sufficient).
The new plan is extremely well thought on the part of the CEO Mr Martin.
100% of the members of BoomDirect to open an account on the site partner Tradeo via the back-office BoomDirect. In our interests at all because most will be many registrants on the Tradeo platform and more our monthly pension will be high.
Because the new compensation plan BoomDirect will be more powerful that will increase the number of accounts Tradeo.
BoomDirect collects commissions on the part of Tradeo for each trade, each position open and closed, that the trade either winner or loser, this is the strength of this partnership.
Basically, more there will be members in BoomDirect and more monthly annuities will be high for all.
Trader to trader?
Except that in me trader to pay commission to intermediaries no money reports me. When direct boom really earns money?
When pay you the packs when tradeo gives a Board of registration.
When the company spends money: when it pays you, in fees, for packs, for the trades if it trade wrong
and you in packs, bonuses, but revenues from boomdirect are paid by you somewhere.
Good in all this it is really opaque and home business model is not in favour of the final customer.
Market manipulation?
It is an idea to dig, because this will actually earn money… Doing this advantage of direct boom revenues?
Obligation to open an account tradeo
Opening of an account, tradeo takes its share, direct boom reverse 40% of the commission but in months tradeo to when even took 60%, so in this calculation we lose money!
tradeo, not illegal, not legally authorised in Europe, certainly not reassuring.
Tradeo: a business among many others, but very sophisticated provider
Initially, Tradeo is not a broker. There is content to be a social network that forged partnerships with brokers such as AvaTrade or That is the business model of Tradeo. Seen from the consumer, Tradeo is presented as a social network specializing in trading. Viewed from the side of Tradeo, it is actually an abnormal banner advertising which does not say his name and whose ultimate goal is, again and again, to convince its members to open a trading among its partners account and place money. In this, Tradeo is just a very, very big business provider as there are many others, who will receive a percentage on each euro invested and no doubt lost thanks to him.
These are therefore thousands of euros that pass Pocket Tradeo members on Tradeo accounts without first knowing necessarily. Average life of the portfolio of an investor in this type of market is only 90 days. Tradeo is therefore engaged in a permanent race to new customers to keep its volume of trades and generate the turnover. The number of customers has not been at the venue and in many forums, can be read with a lot of recoil of the rather negative comments. In our opinion, these are the reasons why Tradeo had to review its model and become a broker himself.
Tradeo: the social network turns into broker
Early 2014, Tradeo becomes a broker. Posing as broker STP, it allows to open an account directly on its Portal. It remains the sole representative of its customer support to retain.
Communication campaigns have flocked around to introduce this new concept that brings a quite revolutionary digital sharing offer. Found even today in La Tribune + boursorama, very serious economic journal, a first very advantageous position in the list of recommended Brokers. Far ahead the best known. As part of their innovative solution, they have also been featured on TechCrunch, Mashable, CNBC and Reuters. Caution these are items partners, they are not made by the tribune. They are distributed through money to the rostrum.
Tradeo, opaque Nebula
As soon as you look more closely, Tradeo resembles a typical opaque structure of the financial arrangements of unscrupulous brokers. On its bonds of Brokerage services, Tradeo presents itself first as a brand belonging to the HOGG CAPITAL group, a company regulated in Malta and offering the Trading TIER 1FX platform. Then, oddly, he presents himself as partner. We learn later that HOGG CAPITAL has been replaced by a new broker called FXGLOBE, regulated in Cyprus, he presents as his partner.
Malta is known for the number of illegal companies.
Autre fait suspect, sur leur site internet, aucune mention ou identification n'est faite de la société détenant la marque Tradeo. It is by searching on their site dedicated to affiliates that we find mention of a membership in a society: MARKETBOOKS LTD.
IN any case this company is not registered in FRANCE as a licensed broker.
Tradeo: illegal business practices
Tradeo practice a commercial solicitation that the apparent less honest brokers. Investors are canvassed without having requested it. The discourse of sellers is misleading and insistent. We identified numerous complaints of former clients who complain of the business method of Tradeo and who found themselves with an account to zero.
We are probably dealing with a team of professionals of manipulation as we met often in this industry. The originality of Tradeo, it is his 'social network', which resembles especially in a developed system in confidence of the victim, who will have little recourse if she finally discovers the deception.
Tradeo: a big hint of conflict of interest
Tradeo claims that his remuneration is based only on the volume of transactions. But the above encourages us to ask ourselves if Tradeo does not retrieve everything its customers lose on its platform. Why Tradeo grows all its customers to invest still more money? Above all, why Tradeo offers management for account of third parties or the Council through their Trader SIMON AZOULAY? Tradeo has for this authorization. If we assume that Tradeo clients losses are Tradeo gains, all lights. If this conflict of interest is proven, we can only amaze us that Tradeo hides behind a license to a third party that allows him to exercise legally in Europe based in Israel. Would Tradeo place not on the black list of the AMF?
Tradeo: the social network turns into broker
Early 2014, Tradeo becomes a broker. Posing as broker STP, it allows to open an account directly on its Portal. It remains the sole representative of its customer support to retain.
Communication campaigns have flocked around to introduce this new concept that brings a quite revolutionary digital sharing offer. Found even today in La Tribune, very serious economic journal, a first very advantageous position in the list of recommended Brokers. Far ahead the best known. As part of their innovative solution, they have also been featured on TechCrunch, Mashable, CNBC and Reuters.
Tradeo, opaque Nebula
As soon as you look more closely, Tradeo resembles a typical opaque structure of the financial arrangements of unscrupulous brokers. On its bonds of Brokerage services, Tradeo presents itself first as a brand belonging to the HOGG CAPITAL group, a company regulated in Malta and offering the Trading TIER 1FX platform. Then, oddly, he presents himself as partner. We learn later that HOGG CAPITAL has been replaced by a new broker called FXGLOBE, regulated in Cyprus, he presents as his partner.
Autre fait suspect, sur leur site internet, aucune mention ou identification n'est faite de la société détenant la marque Tradeo. It is by searching on their site dedicated to affiliates that we find mention of a membership in a society: MARKETBOOKS LTD.
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Inconsistencies in the funding system itself!
Still in the same site, but the point is important and relevant.
When you want to finance a company, you have several options…
Or, you call to private investors.
Either you use professional investors.
Either you are a credit to the Bank.
On average, a bank will take you between 5 and 9% interest rate.
A professional investor takes you your company shares, either request on average 10 to 15% interest, it can be also a mixed both with option of exit of the capital once a set amount has been repaid by the company to the investor.
The only reason that would cause a company to choose a system of participatory financing from individuals and at a rate of 150% of the capital invested + % on its affiliates is that this company has failed to convince a bank or a private investor or pro… Therefore, that society does not profit on its activity. Otherwise why choosing 150% refund rather than 5-15%. This makes no sense economically!
No major newspapers during the research results
results for direct boom
Red sites that sponsor those who say that it is a scam in green and white the neutral. in fact the only "big newspaper" which talks about not said that ill of boomdirect, he made it clear that it is a scam.
too interested to be objective sites
results boomdirect notice
Red sites that sponsor those who say that it is a scam in green and white the neutral.
Sites who think that boomdirect is a scam–direct
D´autres people are talking about:
When the payment turns into a nightmare
The lack or absence of means of communication of these advertising networks is not the only fly in the ointment. As Jay, many users fail to touch the money they theoretically won.
Whence the money? In general these sites urge to «recruit» with links by sponsorship system. This kind of method, if you clearly do not know whence your profits, it is signed 'Ponzi scheme '.
Then some people are clearly aware, and the goal is to get out before the pyramid collapses. This is called the surfing Ponzi.
A Ponzi scheme is untenable because it must increase revenues exponentially. Finally in short, these sites are just disguised ponzis simply.
Must be completely grounded to believe that you can win as much money as easily…
I would say even more:
"Given the lack of communication, which complain on social networks many Internet users, who fear have fallen in a pyramid scheme"
Just by reading the beginning of the article you could feel the sting, installation of this kind of business is quite a pyramid scheme where the gogo is attracted by windfall gains and does not see the crook who hides behind, but good it will not remake the human species, there are always pigeons and vultures.
So yes must punish the wicked.
But still need to be a little stupid to fall into this kind of scams…
on netbusinessrating (the site is classified in scam):
quelqu´UN could it tell me why they are withdrawing small sums, j was a $ 3.95 there was a cut on the site and my account is ironed a $ 3.60
This is not the first time that it m happens
superfruiter is to enrich the owner
PayPal has remained fairly long but in the end d ' a moment they retire, and often c ' is the beginning of the problems, this has been the case for the ADHITPROFITS of the same owner site…»
Reminder: The ponzis pay always, at the beginning at least and close after a certain time.
A Ponzi pyramid claimed 300 000 lives in the world, Get Easy Portuguese society for example.
However, as in all things there is information that put you the l´oreille chip. Let's start:
- There is no real products behind
- Not people who s´adresser
- A far too high level of affiliation
- PayPal as a payment processor
- You do not really know what is your money
As you can see, there are more drawbacks than d´avantages to attempt an "investment".
I recommend d´investir. Now those who tell me the contrary I want evidence: number d´enregistrement the financial authorities, the company name of the owner, actual address, bank account…
Look at the difference with the good sites of my investment as item:, bolden, Lendix, crowdimo, pretup, finsquare
Look at the difference with the good sites of my investment as item:, bolden, Lendix, crowdimo, pretup, finsquare
What you may actually
In addition to losing your money, there are much larger risks.
The attempt to gain money from abnormal and easy way, in particular leaving manipulate (social engineering), eventually lead to getting you ripped off (419 fraud…), does not make you a victim but an accomplice.
No person shall avail itself of his own depravity.
In a very good video documentary of the 05.02.2013 – facing the Internet mafia, there is, among other things, an interview of a woman sentenced for aiding and abetting active money laundering after being trapped in an engineering social operation.
But in addition, the pyramid (process says the "snowball" or the "silver chain") is prohibited in France since 1953 (Article L 122-6 of the Code of consumption 1 ° and 2 ° paragraphs). This text was supplemented by an act of 1 February 1995 (3 ° and 4 ° paragraphs) which specifies the prohibitions on sales channels. Since that date, a company which fails to comply with this regulation and allegedly illegal practices would be condemned.
Under French law, «it is forbidden to propose a person to collect memberships or to register on a list requiring her the payment of any consideration and in him doing hope financial gains resulting from a geometric progression in the number of persons registered or recruited» (art. L. 122-6 and art. L. 122-7 of the code of consumption) and "this prohibition is subject to penalties of fine or imprisonment. »
The correctional tribunal of Albertville for example sentenced to penalties of four to ten months in prison suspended 33 Savoyards who participated in a money game akin to a Ponzi pyramid, was learned from the Prosecutor's office.
These sentences for fraud, was accompanied by fines between 4,500 and € 20,000. Four other defendants were fined with simple fines.
Penalties for the offence of fraud
First of all, it should be recalled that the prescription of the scam is acquired after a period of three years from the day of the return of the coveted thing.
The maximum penalties for fraud are:
-For natural persons: 5 years ' imprisonment, €375,000 fine and ban or confiscation of certain rights.
-For legal persons: €1.875.000 fine as well as the penalties provided for in article 131-39 of the criminal code.
The attempt is punishable by the same penalties.
The penalties are raised to seven years in prison and €750,000 fine when the scam is carried out:
-By a person vested with public authority or a public service mission, in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of its functions or its mission (article 313-2 – 1 ° of the criminal code);
-By a person who unduly takes the quality of a person vested with public authority or responsible for a public service mission (article 313-2 – 2 ° of the criminal code);
-By a person who appealed to the public to the issue of securities or for fundraising purposes for humanitarian or social assistance (section 313-2 – 3 ° of the criminal code);
-To the detriment of a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or a State of pregnancy, is apparent or known perpetrator (article 313-2 – 3 ° of the criminal code).
The penalties are raised to ten years in prison and €1,000,000 fine where fraud is committed in organized band.
This want to say that if sponsor you what-qu´un you are liable of Delia d´escroquerie is organized band, if this bleaching is.
Custody can be extended "as an exceptional measure" up to 96 hours, a search outside of legal hours (after 9 pm and before 6 a.m.), wiretaps or video recordings made without the knowledge of the persons concerned.
Money laundering
Money laundering is to conceal funds from illegal sources (drug trafficking, theft, fraud (including pyramid selling), selling weapons, robbery, tax evasion,…) by reinvesting them in legal activity (real estate, restoration, etc.). IT
The objective of the author of money laundering is to facilitate the false justification of the origin of these sums to the authorities. In practice, money-laundering "dirty money" may appear in the form of different mechanisms, as for example the establishment of false invoices between several companies.
In France, money laundering is punishable under article 324-1 of the penal Code which provides for a sentence of 5 years in prison and a fine of € 375 000. This sanction may be increased in some cases. For example, the penalty is increased to 10 years imprisonment and 750000 euro fine in two cases: when money laundering is committed habitually or by using the facilities provided by the exercise of a professional activity and when it is committed in organized gang. For a complete point on penalties, see articles of the penal Code concerning simple laundering and aggravated laundering.
Of more specifically to the pyramids:
French law, by article L122-6 of the Code of consumption, banned pyramid schemes because it prohibited: the violation of this prohibition is, at the end of article L122-7 of the same code, punishable criminally liable to a maximum fine of 4,500 euros and/or imprisonment for one year. The offender may be, in addition, sentenced to reimburse those clients that will not be met, the sums paid by them.
The most famous simple pyramid schemes, include chains of gifts (we invite you to make a donation and to rotate the chain), or even systems of Cavalry (financial montage in which the capital of the new entrants is used to pay interest to earlier investors).
Famous cases
Ponzi: died in misery
Madoff: sentenced to 150 years in prison
Get easy, 300 000 vistimes sponsors continued see also and
and for those who have forgotten to declare earnings
: Tax evasion is to escape or attempt to escape the tax by any means. The author of tax evasion can be apply tax and criminal penalties. The fact of hiding income or taxable property exposes you to tax penalties. Answer the subsequent questions and answers will be displayed automatically you are the author of a tax fraud if you deliberately use some methods to escape or attempt to escape, partly or completely, to the tax. As such, are considered as fraudulent behaviour:
- a deliberate Declaration, failure
- a voluntary concealing of property or income subject to tax,
- the Organization of insolvency,
- more generally, any manoeuvre aimed at obstructing the recovery of tax.
If the IRS detects fraudulent behavior, it can initiate criminal proceedings after the opinion of the commission of tax offences. Regardless of the tax penalties, the author of tax evasion is liable:
- €500,000 fine
- and 5 years ' imprisonment.
These sentences are increased to €2 000 000 fine and 7 years ' imprisonment when the acts were committed in organized band or grace to:
- the opening of accounts or the purchase of contracts with organizations established abroad.
- the interposition of persons or bodies established abroad, screen
- the use of a false identity from false documents (or any other false),
- a direct debit or a fictitious or artificial act abroad.
An intermediary not authorised is subject to criminal penalties.
If the company does not have the permissions to sell financial products.
Other risks
You are also sure to lose your job (yeah your boss does not keep a known crook) and as there is a folder in the criminal records, many professions are prohibited.
With a hole of 10 year on the CV, it will be difficult to find a job.
Do not forget that it is the loser of the trial that pays lawyers of the winner (see
- If you want that your opponent will reimburse these costs, must be that your lawyer requested at the trial. Indeed, instead costs, for which the judge pronounces, it shall consider the question of justice fees if counsel requested expressly in respect of article 700 of the Code of civil procedure.
- If you are prosecuted before the criminal judge, you may be ordered to pay the victim costs counsel or bailiff that she incurred to defend (art. 475-1 of the Code of criminal procedure).
Reminder of caution l´AMF published March 12, 2014
AMF cautions public against investment offers promising exceptional yields relying, visible or otherwise, on the establishment of a system of recruitment, membership or sponsorship. Very attractive appearance, these offers are dangling high gains that are unrealistic. They usually hide's actual scams for laundering money and in most cases, in some cases, loss of the placement of departure for the saver.
This type of installation can take various forms: trading on the Forex market (via an unauthorized FOREX platform), or mail order of goods or services. The goal for these companies is to continuously recruit new members added to existing members. The latter recruited bring new funds entering, which are partly donated to the former members to gain and maintain their confidence: this is what is called a pyramid. Media and internet in particular, neighbourhood, "word of mouth": recruitment may be done in various ways.
The device lasts as long as new recruitments are possible. When it collapses, sometimes quite rapidly, members typically lose the entirety of their bet in favour, often the single initiator and his accomplices.
The AMF calls savers to the utmost vigilance and invites them to:
- Do not respond to this type of offers and do not relay them to third parties;
- In the case of fraud, victims must file a complaint and provide all possible information to the competent judicial authorities (references for money transfers, identified contacts, addresses, emails or emails, etc.).
In General, the AMF advises investors to follow the following rules before any investment:
- No commercial speech should make us forget that there is no investment offering high returns with no risk;
- Learn about the legality of the financial intermediary that offers the product by consulting the list of the establishments authorized to operate in France ( > high-speed access > savings products approved (GECO)). To ensure that the intermediary who offers products or financial services is allowed to operate in France, you can consult the list of service providers for eligible investment ( or the list of permitted in category Advisor investment financial (CIF) or equity investments (PAC) ( Advisor.
An intermediary not authorised is subject to criminal penalties.
To answer the questions and queries of savers, the AMF provides its site internet or the savings Info service 01 53 45 62 00 from Monday to Friday from 9 h to 17 h.
Institute for the financial education of the public (IEFP) provides investors with a presentation of systems of pyramid selling on its Web site:
To denounce (sponsors, proof of payment, site touting live Ponzis):