This time we tackle the binary option with a mail that I received for my new entry.
Typical example of l´arnaque
Then who am I? My name is Mathilde and I'm waitress training
because I had my CAP last year; I was made me hire
in a good restaurant in the District of la Croix-Rousse (at Lyon) in
January 2014, at the beginning I was apprentice then I signed up on 3 June
My first contract in CDD; I earned € 1535 net per month and
I was very happy.
In short everything looked fine and I went on leave August 17 for 2
weeks. On my return, it was weird my boss did not speak to me
as usual; He was jovial nature and there I had
the impression that he had become more cold with me! I said to myself
He had personal problems and I continued my job as if
nothing had happened. At the end of the month of September, my boss hired a
new waitress, a Romanian who did not understand very well the
French.. In short he wanted to reduce the costs I imagine; Like you
will have understood it this was the end of my CSD, and October 4, 2014 I was
for the first time in my life to unemployment with to top it this a
discovered in a Bank of-763€.
I have never imagined to be there today go to write
my story and you talk about this training who got saved and embellished
life, and today allows me to earn more than € 450 per day.
I have long sought to understand and I immediately
returned looking for a new job. I've searched for 1
week tirelessly: Pôle emploi, monster job, leboncoin.. balance sheet of all
it, 2 restaurants have agreed to receive me, but none of them
from hired me "you do not have enough experience", it is this
what they told me.
I then started to do research on the net to see if it
could find a few tricks to earn money quickly.
I was not hesitant, and I have tried everything that was suggested: polls
paid emails, paid to the opening, click on pubs, etc.
The first 2 days or I tried all of these sites, I earned in
least € 1.9 and miseries. I have not left fell for
as much; I continued my research.
The next day, after many hours spent behind my screen
I found this site: http://optionb-infos. com
Initially, it seemed too weird because I understood nothing. But after
I saw that the method was American, so I will am
interested more closely; I watched the entire video training 2
or 3 times in all. I understood everything and when I saw that he was
possible to make fast money I wanted to know more,
so I then searched for on google to see if the method was
well serious, and when I saw the testimony of 4 persons who
managed to earn money on the Internet like that, I was
reassured and I made the decision to launch.
And Yes, I too wanted to earn money fast! After all
Why not me? October 13, 2014, I registered on the site, and
I started. I gradually went there with all the
Tips training video. I hallucinated because after 20
minutes I had already won € 85.9! It seemed too easy
because I was simply respect boards that had
given in the video.
At the end of 1 h 30, my balance was € 380.9 (I had only)
€200 at the base). I was in profit of €180.9 in only 1 hour
and a half. One word: shocked!
The next day rebelote, this time I had worked for 3
hours and I won + €390 I felt that for a
time I was truly paid for the work that I
I do like all week and the following weeks until the
end of the month. October 31, my account balance posted a profit of
+ €6250!
I was not coming in! 4 times my salary in 15 days only…
When I was a waitress I worked on Saturday, and then with the method
I worked Monday to Friday; because Saturday and Sunday on
impossible as the markets are closed anyway.
And wait, that's not the best time: extreme joy I
felt the week when I received on my bank account
the postal bank transfer I had ordered.
I continue to work always following the same principles of the
training and today I earn on average over the last 10 days
more than €450 per day. In all since I started I have
accumulated more than €56000 with the method.
There I no more want to waitress, I'm too comfortable
with my "new job", and my best friend who had also need
money fairly quickly started as last month; for
now it is days €150 on average, but she learns
That the mail does not
Already if the site is viable, which is probably not the case. Furthermore if l´AMF warns against options binary c´est simple, there is a p * d´effet of fools lever which mean if you bet €200 and you lose you don't lose €200 non non you can find yourself with a credit of € 20,000 direct.
You can go to the official website: http://www.amf-france.org/Epargne-Info-Service/Mise-en-garde/Par-date.html?docId=workspace%3A%2F%2FSpacesStore%2F6827222f-89e9-46ba-b84a-a162564b393d
It determines the list of binary options which are scams.
I puts you it also at 10/12/2015
The list of binary d´option sites that are scams:
www.01broker.com www.24option.com www.4XP.com www.50option.com www.60options.com www.ajbrowdercapital.com www.bancxp.com www.banqofbroker.com www.banqueoption.com www.bfmmarkets.com www.bfxoption.com www.binarymarkets.com www.binoa.com www.bnry.com www.bocapital.com www.bossoptions.com www.cedarfinance.com www.chronoption.com www.cititrader.com www.digitoption.com www.easyxp.com www.ebinaires.com www.empireoption.com www.euoptions.com www.excitingmarkets.com www.ezbinary.com www.eztrader.com www.fboption.com www.gfmtrader.com www.gftrades.com www.globaltrader365.com www.ikkotrader.com (*) | www.ioptioneu.com www.leaderoption.com www.obmarkets.com www.opteck.com www.optionbit.com www.optionet.com www.optionfair.com www.OptionsClick.com www.optionsmarter.com www.option-world.com www.optionxp.com www.phenixoption.com www.planetoption.com www.prestigebanq.com www.royaldebank.com www.startoptions.com www.stockpair.com www.timebinary.com www.tradecall-invest.com www.tradequicker.com www.tradereasy.com www.tradersleader.com www.traderush.com www.traderworld.com www.traderxp.com www.ubinary.com www.vipbinary.com www.worldtradeoption.com www.xpertmarket.com www.xpmarkets.com www.zeoption.com www.zoneoptions.com |
In the same genre I invite you to see the video of normam that caricature this kind of site.