Raizers is the 1st French platform to European dimension.
Raizers offers companies to raise funds to Internet users through its online platform, without going through the traditional funding channels.
Raizers offers two types of investment. First actions (in Switzerland / within the limit of one million euros per year and per project in France). You invest a sum of money in Exchange for shares in the company. You become so linked with the destiny of l´entreprise. Note also qu´une fundraiser can be coupled with anticipated sales investors then become the best brand ambassadors.
Or so loans (only in France, in the form of bonds). The user lends a sum of money to the company that pays it in the form of interest.
This qu´il y d´original c´est we have to do in the 1st platform of follow-up post interactive collection, allowing the contractor and its shareholders to Exchange, communicate and interact in real time
The loan at Raizers
Level performance one remains in the correct and classical with an annual yield of 3% to 10%
- You can lend as an individual, but also via your company
- You can lend to height of your desires (amount limited to €1,000 on conventional loans platforms)
- Your performance is more important when the capital is repaid at the end of your investment rather than every month (interest is calculated on the same capital remaining due annually)
- No you will be charge by Raizers, except in certain exceptional cases for which a particular communication is made.
Why companies accept?
The contractor opens its capital with a campaign of global communication and the experience of shareholders of any horizon
The contractor borrows quickly, without the usual banking constraints, while benefiting from a comprehensive communication campaign (learn more)
A fundraiser which can be coupled with anticipated sales: investors become the best brand ambassadors
Important point: the remuneration of the platform
The business model of the platform is based on a single fee charged to the issuer success if the fundraiser is a success:
- Up to 4% of the amount raised for a bond (excluding costs of payment),
- Between 6% and 10% of the amount of the lift for a participation in capital operation.
No fees are charged to the investor.
Security level
We are also the only French platform with a European vocation, present in France and Switzerland (the first projects are coming soon). We are therefore registered in France and Switzerland.
All companies currently in funding on the platform, registered in France, sign their transmitters with the French company RAIZERS SAS contracts since only this company enjoys the PAC (Advisor investment participatory – ORIAS 14007002) approval issued by the AMF.
You are a french resident individual
The interests that you hear through a bond issue, called 'coupons of bonds', are investment products fixed income from the point of view of the tax administration.
These products are subject:
- A social samples, collected at the source (15.5%)
A fraction of social security levies (5.1% CSG) is deductible from the taxable income for the year of payment. This amount will be calculated and deducted automatically from your taxable income by the tax authority.
- The scale of the income tax, with a down payment of tax on income (24%) collected at the source * (non-discharge levy *)
- This deposit is collected automatically and is repaid in the form of a tax credit in pre-filled income (box 2 GB).
Nevertheless, until 30 November of the year of investment (N), you can ask to be exempted from the rules of this deposit if the tax reference (RFR) income of your household income N-2 is:
- Less than € 25 000 if you are single, divorced or widowed,
- Less than € 50 000 if you are subject to a common tax.
This application is a declaration on the honour that engages your liability for misrepresentation. Please contact us via the contact form if you want to get a waiver of sampling model.
- If you have received less than €2,000 net investment in fixed income in the year products, you have the possibility to opt for a discharge by flat-rate levy of 24% income tax. Where appropriate, on your pre-filled tax return, scratch the box 2TR and fill in the amount in 2FA.
You are a business
The interests that you hear through a bond issue, called 'coupons of bonds', are investment products fixed income from the point of view of the tax administration. They are recorded as financial products and are therefore subject to taxation on corporations (IS).
You are an individual resident abroad or a foreign company
The tax rules are different depending on your country of residence. Please contact us via the contact form if you wish to be accompanied.
Invest capital start-ups is risky. This is why you will be able to benefit from tax benefits related to your investment.
- When you invest in the capital of Swiss companies, the capital gain realised on your investments don't is not subject to tax.
- When you invest in the capital of French companies, you can benefit from the tax cuts detailed below: devices IR / ISF, PEA SMEs.
IR and ISF devices
The PEA – SMEs account
The Savings Plan in Action small and medium sized enterprise (SME PEA) is a title that promotes investment in young companies they are listed or not. It allows to benefit from tax exemption on dividend and capital gains under certain conditions.
The maximum is € 75,000 and it can be combined with the classic PEA. The advantages are the following:
- Withdrawal before 2 years: the net capital gain is taxed at 22.5% + payroll
- Withdrawal from 2 years to 5 years: the net capital gain is taxed at 19% + payroll
- Withdrawal in more than 5 years: the net capital gain is taxed not + payroll
In regards to the tax exemption for dividends applies only in the limit where the dividend does not exceed 10% of the entry of these investments.
My opinion during the test
The first time l´image is surprising, to say the least, but good move. The first menu is fairly clear, even if I personally prefer that of some competitors, but nothing special from this rate there either. Indeed it soon realizes raizers account this is not that of the business credit. C´EST more than that.

Yes indeed as you can see, on raizers there are also l´investissement in the cinema or in the Girardin.
Good test film we can see that the description is rather detailed even though the result is random.
As for the documentation, it is rather consistent.

Why invest in them c´est just when I invest on Raizers:
- I allow start-ups to develop;
- I invested in companies that will have a direct impact on the local economy;
- I invested in companies with high added value potential
- I develop my network and meeting contractors;
- If I am resident french, I realize a tax deduction on the IR, the ISF or I benefit from the advantageous conditions of PEA SMEs;
- In Switzerland, the capital gain realised on my investment is not imposed.