I present to you Lendix, a d´investissement site that allows d´avoir of revenues recurring and stable of companies without shareholder.
Lendix allows to TPE/SMEs, as funding site participatory it is ideal to start.
Lendix is probably the site that offers the joint highest performing risk/return.
Brief description of Lendix
You can easily invest in companies on Lendix, there are large projects presented at fixed rates between 4% and 9% up to 60 months. Companies are borrowing because with Lendix, they have a firm decision within 7 days and full funding in 17 days. As always the company requires no guarantee or personal guarantee to the leaders. More lendix leaves to the leader to drive its business as it wishes. After all a leader wishes above all to grow its box.
Sign up here and now touch your bonus

Why invest in lendix?
Until late 2014, banks accounted for almost all of the funding for the TPE/PME. Since October 2014, the so-called law "Act funding participatory" opened a first breach in this banking monopoly by offering the possibility for SMEs to borrow directly from the general public through loans online platforms. This new solution provides an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to diversify their sources of funding.
Credit to SMEs without banks also is a true revolution for private and institutional investors who benefit from unique access to investments until then inaccessible.
Lendix is the leader in France by 2015 (source L'agefi) SME loans and won the Challenge Fintech 2015 organized by the Boston Consulting Group in London.
The crowdfunding represents an excellent way to diversify their savings by accessing a previously reserved to professional asset class. In the same way that e-commerce has emerged in recent years, participatory finance is poised to become indispensable for optimal management of its heritage. The regulatory framework is now stabilized, investors to resume power on the financial!
The interests of lendix are also yours (sisi)

Do you know why j´aime lendix? Look at the small sentence below the drawing. The leaders of Lendix suitable for all projects automatically. Their interests are aligned with yours. I find it really well.
Institutional investors automatically complete the part of the lenders on each project.
It assumes the risk of taking by lending, which is unfortunately quite the job of banks today.
Olivier Goy, founder of Lendix
It saves on the cost of financial intermediaries
The distribution of financial products is one of the latest areas to have not yet been revolutionized by internet: its "disruption" finally arrives by the crowdfunding! Participatory financing platforms to invest directly in a class of assets until then accessible only through investment funds, heritage managers, or private bankers. By shorting these "distributors" of the traditional financial industry, crowdfunding platforms introduce disintermediation in the favour of investors and entrepreneurs. Investors really benefit profitability their investment through reduced costs and contractors save time and can thus devote priority to the development of their activity.
We participate in job creation
Fleur Pellerin, the Minister for the digital economy, points squarely this truth that bothers: 'tomorrow's jobs will not be created by today's businesses. In the fight for employment and competitiveness, we must give priority to high-growth companies." According to the latest barometer of France digital, directed with EY, surveyed start-ups that have received capital funding increased their staff by 25 per cent between 2011 and 2012, with 89% of CDI! This barometer, 81% of these same companies open their capital to their employees and the differential in wages between the leaders and the average wage is up 2.7 times. Support these companies, is helping to create a new model of growth. (source huffingtonpost.fr)
Opening of grocery, small restaurants or food trucks, many are food-related projects which are surfing on the wave of participatory financing. Banks are always more chilly, holders of small projects as well for users who respond favourably and are investing heavily. Even if the sums are not substantial, cumulation of investors is sufficient to initiate projects.
Take part in the real economy
On Lendix, you join the success d´entreprises French innovative and promising, who chose to appeal to you to finance their development. Supporting, you maintain the French entrepreneurial dynamics, and are helping to make our economy a major player in innovation.
It diversifies
The crowdfunding represents an excellent way to diversify their savings by accessing a previously reserved to professional asset class. In the same way that e-commerce has emerged in recent years, participatory finance is poised to become indispensable for optimal management of its heritage. The regulatory framework is now stabilized, investors to resume power on the financial!
We can choose our investments
The time of the experts who know and for investors who follow is gone. Internet allows access to all the information necessary to guide an investment choice. Crowdfunding platforms provide access to all the necessary tools: you do your own research, you exchange directly with the leaders of companies, you see all financial documentation, and you share your opinion with other investors. You are now in control of your investments and you call in a few clicks your portfolio, as any financial professional. The investment opportunities are finally accessible to all, and only a small insider circle.
There are reassuring figures
Level figure Lendix c´est on December 31, 2015, 57 projects (study 5 780), for a total amount of €11 322 752. The total amount loaned is €1 351 338. Reimbursements paid to lenders €145 636. Interest paid to lenders are € 145 636.
Lendix, c´est also a large capacity
Lendix, first lending platform to achieve funding of €1,000,000 in an SME in a single instalment
After the record lift of Saint Jean Industries (€1,000,000 in 3 loans in July), the Lendix community ready €1,000,000 at once to the land Orexim.
"Thanks to a strong base of retail and institutional lenders, we are to date the only platform of lending in France to have the ability to lend € 30 000 to € 1,000,000" details Olivier Goy, founder of Lendix.
«All TPE, SMEs or ETI looking to diversify their sources of funding we are interested. We are a true complement to the banks. Confidently, quick, easy and with financing without guarantee or warranty,"said.
In 6 months, Lendix has already lent €5 700 000 to 32 companies of various sizes: 3 to 1,800 employees and € 380 000 to € 198 000 000 turnover. The platform has enabled the financing of projects of Alain Ducasse Entreprise, of 5àSec (world leader in the laundry), of the hotel group H8 Collection and dynamic local businesses.
"We feel a growing interest in our financing solutions. "We analyzed on the month of September alone more folders that since our creation" he added.
Because Lendix is also winner of competition
19 novembre2015, stood in London Challenge Fintech 2015, organized by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The event brought together 500 BCG project leaders and partners, come from their offices around the world, to elect the winner. After an afternoon of competition during which twenty emerging players in the fintech clashed, Lendix has been designated winner.
Presented in a very popular competition with venture capital funds, the "Shark Tank" format, each start-up had 8 minutes to convince the room to vote for it. Following this brief presentation, a series of very pointed questions was asked to decide between the competitors.
As the winner, Lendix will benefit from the services of a team of BCG for two months, to clear issues that are dear to heart him.
Because you can do everything you
Nothing prevents you to manage your investments on Sunday evening.
For l´argent
It is true that the investment in a small company is profitable. Long-term gains can be enormous. Indeed, you gain almost 10 times more qu´un livret A which, as I recall, the rule of 72, puts nearly 100 years to double your capital.
Sign up here and now touch your bonus
Lenders FAQ
Who can lend on Lendix?
If you are major and tax resident in France, you have at least €100 to save and you have a bank account and a mobile phone, you can lend on Lendix. If you are not french resident, do not hesitate to contact us as an opening of account is possible in some countries (Germany, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland).
How can I open a Lendix account?
You can open a Lendix account by clicking here. You will need an email address, a number mobile phone, a copy of your identity, proof of residence and a RIB.
What is an account verified?
To begin to reinforce your Lendix account and to provide, we ask for a copy of your identity, passport or valid residence card and a proof of domicile less of three months, passed directly on our platform. We will also need your rib. Your Lendix account will then be an account verified allowing you to perform all types of transactions (loans, thoroughly, recalls).
Can how much I deposit on my account Lendix?
You must deposit a minimum of € 100 to open a Lendix account. There's no maximum.
How can I reinforce my Lendix account?
You can follow your Lendix account by credit card up to €1.000 and bank transfer (without limit).
How can I withdraw money from my account Lendix?
You may at any time withdraw money by bank transfer on the account you have provided the RIB during the creation of your account Lendix. If a sum of money was offered to you as part of a promotional campaign, it must have been paid to a project before it can be transferred to your bank account.
Where is the money that I deposit on my account Lendix held?
Your money is deposited on an account secure at Ingenico Financial Solutions AG, electronic money institution authorized by the National Bank of Belgium. Lendix does not have access to the money from your account. It is you who check it and give Lendix your lending decisions.
Editor's Note: I have not done a thorough analysis but nothing in particular at the level of the company. It in clean air.
How can I find out what loans I have in progress and my future receipts?
You can see your portfolio page loans performed as well as upcoming repayments. You can export to Excel format the list of upcoming repayments, for all loans made.
How can I close my account Lendix?
You can close your Lendix account by contacting us, if the following two conditions are met:
- You don't have a current loan
- You have removed all the money available from your account Lendix
How is the distribution of loans between the different types of investors handled?
In practice, there are two types of investors: those who are committed to subscribe to all loans approved by the Lendix credit Committee ("investors constituents") and those who are free to choose the projects to which they want to lend on the platform («Investors free» – all individual investors are). 51% of each project of more than €30.000 is reserved for investors constituents; avoiding that they have access only to projects having failed their lifting on the platform. The remaining part of the project is then proposed on the platform for a week. If this part is not fully subscribed by investors free, investors constituents complete the loan.
How much does it cost?
Your account Lendix is completely free. No entry fee, of investment, or output and no annual fees.
LEND MONEY TO SMES/TPE PRESENTS A RISK OF CAPITAL LOSS AND IMMOBILISATION OF YOUR SAVINGS. You can lose the maximum ROI. No risks annex in principle on these operations.
What happens if the company can no longer repay?
Lendix gets in touch immediately with you to understand the reason for this delay and assist you on the resolution of this incident by searching together a solution.
-Most of the time, it is a technical problem and the refund is carried out within 2 workdays after a telephone contact or by email. If not, we will write you a letter and interest under the contract will be payable.
-If refund still not occurred 8 business days after the payment incident, formal notice is sent to you and the Lendix team works daily with you to recover funds and change the loan if necessary.
-After 20 days of delay, Lendix notifies you the forfeiture of the term by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, which means the repayment of the amount remaining due, with interest, delay and costs of recovery provided for in the contract.
At the end of the amicable procedure described above, Lendix may decide to initiate a procedure for judicial recovery, always on behalf of lenders.
What is the taxation of interest received?
Interest on the loans to which you have subscribed are "fixed-income investment products" and as the interests of the banking booklets or coupons of bonds, are subject to the progressive rate of income tax and social security contributions.
In practice, a lump-sum deposit of 24 per cent of the income tax and 15.5% of payroll (CGS, CRDS…) is levied when the payment of interest. This deposit then comes the following year as a reduction of the amount of your tax on income paid or you is refundable in the event of surplus (just like a refundable tax credit).
However, you can apply for a waiver of this lump sum deduction of 24% of the income tax by sending a Declaration on their honour (to download here), if the tax reference (RFR) your household income tax (indicated on your notice of assessment 2014) does not exceed: €25,000 for a single person, or €50,000 for a married couple or PACs.
This certificate must be sent to us before 30 November of each year so that the exemption can apply to interest received the following year (e.g. 30 November 2015 for interest received in 2016). Each year, we send the exemptions by email in the month of October.
In this case, only 15.5% of social security contributions will be collected at the source, but a part of the CSG (5.1%) is deductible from your taxable income to tax the income of the same year. We draw your attention to the fact that any false statement on your part would result in the application of a fine equal to 10% of the amount of samples subject to an exemption wrongly.
In addition, taxpayers belonging to a household tax the amount of investment in fixed-income products not exceeding €2,000 for a year can, if they make the request on their income tax return, be subject only to a lump-sum discharge by 24% tax (interesting if your marginal tax rate is greater than 24%). Social security levies from 15.5% shall also apply. On the other hand, this decision deprives the aforementioned possibility of partially deduct the CSG to 5.1%.
How are these taxes paid?
For people not exempted, we charge a lump sum in respect of the tax on income (IR) 24% deposit and payroll by 15.5% interest you receive. the amounts credited to your account Lendix are net of these levies.
When you complete your tax return, you will have to pay (or receive, if your marginal rate is less than 24%) the IR corresponding to the difference between 24% and your marginal rate.
Suppose that your marginal tax rate is 30% and that you receive € 7,000 a year of activity on Lendix. Suppose also that these €7.000 break down as follows: €5.000 capital and € 2,000 of interest.
The € 5,000 capital will not be taxed; you receive them so fully on your Lendix account. For interest: you receive after deduction of the lump sum deposit on the IR 24% and social security levies by 15.5%, €1.210 net paid on your account Lendix.
When your tax return, using the printed tax sole provided by Lendix, simply indicate the amount of interest received. You will then need to pay €120 in respect of the IR, the amount corresponding to the difference between your marginal rate (30% in this example) and the rate of the lump-sum deposit (24%): € 2,000 * (30% – 24%) = €120.
Should I declare my Lendix account as a foreign account?
We chose Ingenico Financial Services as a provider of payments. This e-wallet service to put money on your account Lendix, pay and receive your refunds. Ingenico Financial Services is a European company, world-renowned, regulated by the National Bank of Belgium and with all the permissions necessary to operate in France.
The fact that our payment provider is regulated in Belgium has no implication on the taxation of your Lendix account. Your interests are collected in France and commercial loan contracts are signed between loan companies French and french lenders. Your Lendix account is therefore subject to French tax only.
However, a careful reading of tax regulation French suggests to declare the possession of this portfolio as any account abroad (through the tax 3916 print that we pré-remplirons for you). This simple statement has no implication on your tax system and does not imply any additional taxation.
Will what information you provide me?
Each year, your printed Fiscal Unique (IFU) as well as your printed 3916 will be downloadable from the website. It will contain the information necessary for your return.
How should I fill out my tax return?
Investment interests are taxable, for french individuals, in the category of income from movable capital (RCM).
How can I offset my winnings and my losses?
For loans made after 1 January 2016, you can deduct your possible final capital losses of the tax due on your interests.
Amount due:
The attributable capital loss can arise from a non refund partial or total of the capital originally loaned. It is constituted by the difference between the capital originally loaned and the amount of capital reimbursed ultimately. The right to attribution is therefore only on the capital loss, to the exclusion of the interest on this loan which have not been paid to the lender. The right to apply is limited to the amount of the capital loss actually borne by the taxpayer. It is therefore appropriate to take into account, where applicable, amounts that will be reimbursed including under a warranty arrangement.
Interests on which the allocation can be performed and time of posting:
The capital loss resulting from the non-repayment of a loan shall be entered only on the amount of interest generated by other loans. The allocation of the capital loss is made in respect of the year in which it becomes permanently bad or five years. The imputation is made on the declaration of all income which is to recall filed the year following the perception of the interests affected by the deduction
At the request of the administration, the taxpayer must justify meet the conditions for benefiting from the right to attribution stating inter alia:
- the copy of the various contracts of loans (loan repaid and other loans that generate interest on which the capital loss is charged);
- the copy of the document issued by the participatory financing intermediary indicating the loan guarantees;
- proof of the procedures implemented to collect the debt and the amount taken in charge in respect of the loan guarantees.
- where appropriate, the extract from the judgment of judicial liquidation of the company.
Professionals (CGP, wealth management advisors)
The platform, as many other is open to the CGP, although personally I do not use it in this context. Although it is necessary to ask to make a folder.
How can I help my clients to open a Lendix account?
Online with your PRO code: you pass a nominative link that we provide you, your customers register online and begin to invest. By returning the opening of account Lendix paper folder: we open the Lendix account for your client and we send him email its access codes. In all cases, your customers you are automatically connected.
How can I track their investments?
Once the registration is completed, no further action is necessary on your part. You can track your customers investments in your dedicated tracking portal. Your commission is calculated on the total amounts invested (the initial investment and reinvestment on the platform Lendix).
Is the Lendix platform open to institutional investors?
Yes. We have designed Lendix as an individual/institutional joint platform from the outset. Contact our teams dedicated by email on contact@lendix.com or by telephone to the
How is the distribution of loans between the different types of investors handled?
In practice, there are two types of investors: those who are committed to subscribe to all loans approved by the Lendix credit Committee ("investors constituents") and those who are free to choose the projects to which they want to lend on the platform («Investors free» – all individual investors are). 51% of each project of more than €30.000 is reserved for investors constituents; avoiding that they have access only to projects having failed their lifting on the platform. The remaining part of the project is then proposed on the platform for a week. If this part is not fully subscribed by investors free, investors constituents complete the loan.
Borrower, why lendix?
The benefits certain: no fee for lenders
Lendix ensures its operation by charging borrowers fees analysis of files as well as current management fees: approximately 1 percent management fee, 3% for the analysis fees charged only if the project is accepted and the funds raised.
Participatory financing platforms to invest directly in a class of assets until then accessible only through investment funds, heritage managers, or private bankers. By shorting these "distributors" of the traditional financial industry, crowdfunding platforms introduce disintermediation in the favour of investors and entrepreneurs. Investors really benefit profitability their investment through reduced costs and contractors save time and can thus devote priority to the development of their activity.
The benefits some: A small amount to invest
Supply of the account is 100 minimum euro (by credit card or bank transfer) and to invest, it is a multiple of 20 euro qu´il is necessary to lend.
Quick Tip: lend money to of TPE/PME presents a risk of loss in CAPITAL and need one asset of your savings.
Borrower FAQ
Who can borrow on Lendix?
Any commercial company (SA, SARL, EURL, etc.) in France may submit a request for funding for a minimum amount of € 30,000 and a duration of 18 to 60 months, whatever the sector of activity.
Lendix accompanies established corporations, i.e. who have already completed at least 2 exercises, which a beneficiary and who achieve a minimum turnover of € 300,000 for the brokers of insurance and PMB (heritage management advisors), € 400,000 for the CHR (cafés Hotels and Restaurants), € 500,000 for the other sectors of activity.
How can I open an account Lendix borrower?
To borrow on Lendix, no need to open an account. Just test your eligibility by clicking here.
how much does it cost?
The presentation of a funding application is completely free, including the phase of analysis by the credit Lendix team. Only the establishment of the loan will result in charge (3% for folder mounting and 1 / 12% for the management of flows) which will be detailed in a totally transparent manner in the loan offer. These fees represent a financial burden that will be recorded as such in the income statement of your company, thus allowing a reduction in taxable income.
To the payment of funds, Lendix charges a fee of project editing equal to 3% of the amount borrowed. This commission is directly deducted from the amount paid into your bank account. For example, if you borrow €100,000, the commission's project will be 3% of € 100,000 = €3.000. Your bank account will be credited with € 97,000.
In addition, a Committee of management of flows equal to 1 / 12% of the outstanding amount is invoiced monthly in the management of financial flows. It includes costs related to the treatment of many financial flows (removal of a deadline on your bank account and allocation of this amount among all lenders, in proportion to the amount loaned) and is directly levied on monthly deadlines for the borrower.
For example, on a loan of € 100,000 to 5% for 48 months, these costs will be € 83 the first month and the 24th month from €44 (because the amount remaining due will be then € 52.493). These costs are detailed in the schedule which is sent to you with the availability of credit.
That means be eligible?
Analysis of your application for funding is done in two stages.
First of all, an eligibility test which gives you an immediate response simply stating your SIREN number, the amount and duration desired (we use this information in our databases).
Then, a personalized study of your case will be carried out by a credit analyst with which you will have a telephone exchange, based on the information you provide us.
You will then get a response and a firm offer within 7 working days maximum.
How can I submit a project?
Lendix proposes a procedure simple and with a few clicks for the filing of your application for credit financing.
Just start by testing your eligibility by clicking here and then follow the information sent to you via e-mail.
You can also directly contact our team of experts in financing SMEs 01 82 83 28 00 or on emprunteurs@lendix.com.
How much can I borrow?
From € 30,000, within the limits of your ability to refund and up to € 1.500.000.
What is the duration of the loans?
The length of the credits available to SMEs via the Lendix platform varies from 18 to 60 months.
What interest rate can I borrow?
The interest rate corresponds to the price of risk. It depends on the length of your loan and the degree of risk of your project. The credit Lendix team directly computes a fixed-rate interest rates, between 4% and 9%, according to a methodology presented here.
When can I have a response to my request for funding?
You know immediately if you are eligible by clicking here. Credit analysis will take then a few days, not to exceed a maximum of 7 days (depending on the time you need to send us some additional information).
Is a loan offer Lendix guarantee or indicative?
The loan Lendix offer is closed. Lendix agrees on the amount, rate and duration. You have a guarantee of success of the operation, which means that once the loan offer is accepted, you are sure to borrow the amount, in the conditions defined (rate and duration). The loan offer is therefore irrevocable when signed.
The rate of interest the offer Lendix is guaranteed or indicative?
Lendix guarantees you a fixed interest rate for the duration of your contract. It is known since the issuance of the offer and determined by the credit Lendix team.
How can I accept an offer of loan on Lendix?
Acceptance of the offer of loan Lendix simply requires it (electronic) signature.
Once you have accepted the offer, am I committed to borrow the loan amount?
Yes, the loan offer is irrevocable as soon as it is signed. You therefore agree to borrow the defined amount and Lendix is committed to maintaining the proposed conditions (rate, amount and duration).
Editor's Note: you come to the sign above as what you accept it, to see when we sign (no offer approved pre?). However the same question as finsquare arises, the application to a folder implies acceptance before there really was an offer of lendix? Or is it y file, proposal, acceptance, submission… question for lendix…
When and how will I receive the money?
Once the borrower signed by your care contract, your project is presented on our internet platform about 7 days duration being determined in connection with you. Five days after the end of this period, you will receive directly from your current bank account, the borrowed amount less charges of mounting of the backrest.
Why is the timing of the loan offer provisional?
When you receive the loan offer, the schedule presented in annex is based on a forecast date of available funds. However, this date may change depending on the time taken to sign the contract, the duration of your project online, the time needed for lenders to participate in your project, etc. Thus, you receive a final version as soon as funds are paid to you, taking into account the date actually payments.
Is my project it must be presented on your platform?
Your project is funded exclusively by lenders and not by Lendix directly. It must therefore be presented so as to give a level of information adapted to potential lenders. It is for you also a great way to publicize your business. And don't worry, all the information presented on our platform are an annex to your contract of loan. You therefore knowledge prior to on-line your project.
Editor's Note: leaders invest them – even also from the information.
For how long lenders can participate in my project?
The duration of participation in your project is variable according to your wishes, an average of 7 days being observed. You can discuss this topic with the Lendix person who exchanges with you when your funding.
What are the information provided to lenders?
To make want lenders to participate in the financing of your project, lenders need to have information about your company and your project. All information presented on our platform are an annex to your contract of loan. You are aware before starting your project online.
When will I know if my loan is made?
From the outset. Lendix guarantees the success of your financing through our large community of lenders. As soon as the issue of the loan offer, you are sure that the amount awarded will be achieved.
How my refunds happen?
Once the loan set up, you have more to worry about! Lendix is responsible to collect each month from your bank account the deadlines indicated in the schedule. You have therefore no transfer or cheque to perform sending.
Can I prepay?
You can repay your loan in advance once half of the duration of the loan is elapsed, for compensation for early repayment (IRA) 4% of the outstanding capital.
For example, for a loan of € 100,000 for 48 months at 5%, you can prepay at the end of 24 months. At this date, the amount of the outstanding capital balance will be € 52.493 and IRA €2.100. This amount is split equally between the lenders and Lendix.
Why do my payments change every month?
Your monthly payments include management fees of flows that are themselves outstanding capital. However, each month, the outstanding capital decreases, so flow management costs also decrease. Your monthly payment therefore decrease every month.
What happens if I am late?
Lendix gets in touch immediately with you to understand the reason for this delay and assist you on the resolution of this incident by searching together a solution.
-Most of the time, it is a technical problem and the refund is carried out within 2 workdays after a telephone contact or by email. If not, we will write you a letter and interest under the contract will be payable.
-If refund still not occurred 8 business days after the payment incident, formal notice is sent to you and the Lendix team works daily with you to recover funds and change the loan if necessary.
-After 20 days of delay, Lendix notifies you the forfeiture of the term by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, which means the repayment of the amount remaining due, with interest, delay and costs of recovery provided for in the contract.
What happens if I can't repay?
At the end of the amicable procedure described above, Lendix may decide to initiate a procedure for judicial recovery, always on behalf of lenders.
The system of loans.
For lenders, know qu´il n´y not bidding.
C´EST competitors like Finsquare very different indeed to mention that one. For investors, the expected return is significantly higher than that of classic savings with a 4 to 9% interest rate. Each lender chooses the project he wants support, and allocates the amount it lends on different projects.
Rating companies, l´entreprise seeking a credit, if the dossier is accepted on a certain amount this amount will be open to lenders for 2 to 3 weeks. Once the amount has been reached, the operation is closed. The principle of first come, first served in sum. C´EST interesting, because if you n´avez no knowledge in finance site s´occupe everything.
"Banks now see the world in two colours: black or white" laments Olivier Goy. When it is black no loan is possible. "In Lendix, seen grey" says the boss

The n´etant rate not set by a d´encheres system, you have l´avantage that can be set without being too low. However, it makes sense not to blindly trust the platform at risk qu´un day she sets a price too low for lenders.
For companies wishing to borrow
It must justify at least two valid accounting exercises, may request loans between 15 000 to 1 000 €000, on 18-48 months, no consideration (surety, guarantee, insurance…). All business lines are available to the filing.
Then LENDIX selects the projects.
How lendix selects projects to bring you a correct rate.
Focusing on the method selection I find.
The company communicates 3 information:
-Number of SIREN
-Amount of loan
-Duration of the loan
Analysis is conducted within 48 h, based on financial data from external databases (Scores & Decisions) and the banking companies (FIBEN) file to determine whether the project is eligible.
The credit team carries out a more in-depth analysis and Exchange directly with the company to understand the project and its location (activity, market, financial situation, etc.) in order to establish a projected account on the basis of realistic and conservative assumptions.
This analysis leads to a notation (A, B or C) validated by an expert tool, which allows lenders to understand easily the repayment ability of the company and the level of risk of the project to be financed. This analysis is based on complementary documents sent by the company (3 recent tax bundles validated by the public accountant, schedule of debts including credit lease and financial accomodations, allocation of social capital,…).
A noted folder C will have a 9% credit then qu´un folder noted A 4%, denoted l´entreprise B it goes in any logiquea see a credit located between the two.
Sign up here and now touch your bonus

For lenders:
A good performance
Individuals may in turn lend to SMEs at rates of 4 to 9% per year and over periods of 2 to 5 years.
Sign up here and now touch your bonus
Interests support the 15.5% social tax. They are then subject to the scale of income via a deposit of 24% tax, collected at the source, which only the poorest taxpayers may be exempted. This deposit is then charged on the tax due. In return, a part of the CSG, set at 5.1%, is deductible from taxable income the following year. If the proceeds of bank books and obligations total does not exceed 2,000 euros per year, the option for the legal tender lump 24% levy is still possible. But he shall then deduct the 5.1% of CSG.
Tax provision for deduction of applicable from January 1, 2016 (new) capital losses:
Furthermore, an amendment n ° 718 of the project of law of Finance rectification was adopted December 1, 2015, which allows individuals to be charged on interest income the capital loss in case of non-repayment of loans. This imputation is possible in respect of the year where the bad character of the claim is found and the following five years. This deduction does not apply to social security levies (CSG-CRDS).
Other information
Sponsorship and bonus
For the sponsorship you can offer your friend his first ready! When a person registers on the Lendix platform using your promo code and agree his account of € 500, you receive both an amount of €20 to lend to projects presented by Lendix. C´EST an interesting take on a € 500 bonus.
Issue security, which is lendix?
Lendix is certified by the authorities and registered in the ORIAS under n ° 15000364. Evidence of seriously, you receive a plug for the tax statement. I not only gives you good sites to put your savings.

To finalize l´inscription, as the site is a site registered with authorities, it is necessary d´avoir: RIB, map d´identite, proof of domicile.
It is already several thousand d´inscrits.
As for l´adresse, Lendix is located at 94 street of victory, 75009 Paris. As often innovative companies are in the capital, if quelqu´un can once go visit the offices and tell me how c´est, and yes I am not yet a journalist d´investigation (finally may be that…)

The Site is edited by Lendix bln,
Company with a capital of 10,000 euros, (Editor's Note: Lendix has been fundraising for several million euros for a long time.)
Registered at RCS Paris 804 264 174,
Registered as an intermediary in funding participatory with the Agency for the single register of insurance intermediaries, Bank and finance (ORIAS), under number 15000364;
whose head office is located 94 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris.
Phone: + 33 (0) 1 82 83 28 00
Email address: contact@lendix.com
The Site's publication Director is Olivier Goy.
Email address: goy@lendix.com
The Site lendix.com is hosted by:
Simplified stock company
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
N ° VAT: FR 22 424 761 419
Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.
app.lendix.com is hosted by:
Amazon Web Services:
Amazon Web Services LLC
P.O. Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108-1226
Lendix IFP is subject to participatory financing regulations laid down by the monetary and financial Code.
Any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation, performance or breach of these terms falls within the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.
Navigation on the Site is subject to the laws and regulations European and French force and the present General Conditions of use (hereinafter "GCU").
Who is behind l´entreprise?
J´AIME know to whom my money goes, and in these circumstances I wish indeed know the leaders and on lendix I n´ai not had difficulties to find them. There is a description detailed properly by clicking on the +.

Previously, Olivier founded 123Venture in 2000 with the aim of democratizing access to risk capital by opening this class of assets to individual investors. 123Venture has now more than 60,000 1.15 billion euros of assets under management invested in 240 European non-listed companies and private customers. President and CEO of 123Venture September 2014, he is now Chairman of the Supervisory Board.
He has developed a strong expertise in the world of the SME financing for having been rancher of funds within MGT (Mastering Growth & Technology) and responsible for entries within the French-American venture capital fund Partech Ventures. He also regularly speaks on the topic of SMEs. Olivier is co-author of the Guide of Non side Editions Les echoes and numerous articles on the subject.
He is also Vice-president Treasurer of the association France FinTech.
Olivier is a graduate of the EM Strasbourg / HEC Montréal (Canada) and holder of the MCED.
Patrick de Nonneville is Board member and Chief Operating Officer of Lendix.
Patrick has a long experience of the Bank. He was recently (2007-2014) co-responsible for the activities of rates in Europe and Partner of Goldman Sachs in London. As such he was a member of the operational Committee global rate and was responsible for the management of the risk of Rosethay Life, an insurance company subsidiary to 100% of Goldman Sachs before its partial sale in 2013. He was also member of the boards of supervision risk and Investment Products of the markets division. Previously he spent 5 years at Deutsche Bank (in London) and 6 years at JP Morgan (Paris and London).
Patrick is a former student of the École Polytechnique.
Paul de Kali Dasan is a member of the Executive Board of Lendix.
Partner and Managing Director of 123Venture from 2007 to 2014, Paul has since September 2014, Vice President of the Supervisory Board.
He began his career as a load of studies in the Paris Group insurance organization, then as a trader at Compagnie Bancaire. In 1990, he joined the Caisse de Dépôts et Consignations as head of the asset-liability management. Director investment from 1995 to 1998 to CDC Participations, he followed investments in various financial institutions (BDPME, Sofaris, Natexis, Crédit Lyonnais, Crédit Foncier) and several regional institutes of participations. He participated in the creation of Fondinvest, where he was Director from 1996 to 1999. In 1998, he participated in the creation of the management activity of investment funds in capital-transmission at CDC Equity Capital (250 M€) and the lifting of 2nd 400 M€ (2001-2002) from institutional french and European Fund. Between 1998 and 2004, cumulative investment is 800 M€, with over 30% overall sorting.
He participated in the recovery in capital-transmission of 15 companies including Gerflor, Autodistribution, Nexity, Cegelec, Epolis, TDF, Batisante, Eurofarad. Between 1999 and 2004, he oversaw the launch of 2 Fund of funds it manages in parallel with the capital-transmission activity. From 2000 to 2004, he served as member or Chairman of Executive Board of CDC Equity Capital. In 2005, he founded the activity Fund of funds within Gimar Finance.
Paul holds a Masters degree in mathematics applied, actuary.
Marc Sebag is a member of the Executive Board and Director of the Lendix credit.
Marc has over 28 years experience in the credit gained in different international groups of leading. He was Director of the credit within Rabobank International (1997-2000), Director of credit and Deputy Director general activity direct SME of GE equipment Finance (2000-2006), then Director of the credit and CEO Deputy activity ETI of GE International (2006-2009) before taking the post of Director general delegate and Director of credit from CIT France in 2011 to begin the redeployment of the business model on financing in the TPE.
Marc is a graduate of the IEP de Strasbourg (Economics & Finance) and has a master of law (Paris II).
Xavier Anthonioz is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Lendix.
Chairman of the Board of 123Venture since September 2014, Xavier Anthonioz participated in its creation in 2000 by dealing including legal and accounting of the company activities. He participated to the study of the opportunities for investment within the management team before taking over development from 2003 as Managing Director.
Xavier holds a Master of Science in Management (EM Lyon) and a master of business and taxation law.
Christian Gueugnier is a member of the Supervisory Board of Lendix.
Christian began his career in 1978 at Deloitte-Touche. In 1991 he created the company's financial management of the Exchequer which it is still CEO. Financial Exchequer is one of leading independent portfolio in France management, managing more than 8 billion euros of assets. It offers a limited range of mutual funds invested in the principal markets of shares, bonds of companies and convertible bonds on behalf of institutional and private investors.
Christian is a graduate of the Institut supérieur de Gestion and holds the certificate of superior Expertise comptable.
Philippe Collombel is a member of the Supervisory Board of Lendix.
After having spent 11 years at Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting) and have been General Manager of the subsidiary of e-commerce of Carrefour, Philippe joined Partech International in 2001. Partech Venture is a background of venture capital based in San Francisco, Paris and Berlin founded in 1982 which manages 650 million in assets. Partech aims to invest in start-ups including an important part of technology or innovation, with a strong growth potential.
Since he joined Partech, Philippe has allowed the growth of many businesses such as Dailymotion, Menlook, Brand4Friends (sold to eBay), Cartesis (ceded to Business Objects), Meiosys (sold to IBM) or even Travelprice (sold to Lastminute).
Philippe is a graduate of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and Kellogg Graduate School of Business. He also has a master's degree in economics from Paris Dauphine.
Philippe Citerne is a member of the Supervisory Board of Lendix.
Philippe has spent most of his career at Société Générale (from 1979 to 2009). After having been Director of the Economic Studies Department, he became Chief Financial Officer of the group. In 1997, he became CEO of the group, a position he held for 12 years.
Today Philippe is Director and Vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Accor Group, Director and Vice-president of the Board of Directors of the Edenred group. He is also administrator and President of Telecom business school of the Mines-Telecom Institute.
Philippe is a graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Paris.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of LBO France which he joined in 1997.
Managing partner and Chair of the Oddo & Cie company until 1998.
Master in management from Paris IX Dauphine.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JCDecaux SA.
Former Managing Director of Finance and Administration of JCDecaux SA, which he was also member of the Board from 2000 to 2010.
Gerard is Director General delegate of JCDecaux Holding and Director of the Davies brothers investment company since 2011.
Diploma of the Institut de Sciences Politiques in Paris.
What is the Oversight Committee? I do not exactly know, but I like titles, good going just a touch of humour: more the title is long, less the function is important…
First fundraising 05/11/2014
Directed by Olivier Goy, founder of the society of equity 123Venture, platform Web Lendix, specialized in loans to companies to finance 'real economy', finalized a fundraising of€ 7 million, granted by Partech Ventures, Weber investments and leaders of 123Venture
second fundraising Lendix who throws 3.2 million euros 27/03/2015
Lendix throws EUR 3.2 million for his 2nd round of institutional.
Lendix announces the arrival of new shareholders and 28 M in total funding € early 2015
Two weeks after it granted its first loan to the Alain Ducasse Entreprise (early 2015) group, Lendix, TPE & SME lending platform, strengthens its equity by bringing more investors to its capital.
Decaux brothers investments, the Bank Wormser brothers, Sycamore * and 2 family international offices join historical shareholders in the capital by investing EUR 3.2 million in capital and 25 M€ on the Lendix platform.
"We are thrilled to bring together diverse and high-quality ownership. It shows that the class of the loan assets is likely to interest any type of investors"declares Olivier Goy, founder and president of Lendix.
Gérard Degonse, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of group JCDecaux and administrator of Davies brothers investments, and Pascal Oddo are on this occasion their entry to the Supervisory Board of Lendix.
They join Philippe Citerne (Director of Accor and Edenred), Christian Gueugnier (Weber investments), Philippe Collombel (Partech Ventures), and Xavier Anthonioz (123Venture).
"We have put together a round table of high quality entrepreneurs who share our values and our approach to the development of a business" says Olivier Goy.
A strong involvement of shareholders who committed 25 M€ to lend on the platform
Shareholders and leaders of Lendix are committed now to lend 25 M€ for SMEs TPE on the platform, under the same conditions as all of the customers of Lendix.
"It is fundamental for individuals and institutional who wish to lend on our platform to know that our shareholders are also our customers ' continued Olivier Goy.
"The revolution of the loan concerning all categories of investors: individuals, family offices, undertaken for the management of their cash, managers of assets, mutual, insurers… ' continues Patrick de Nonneville, COO of Lendix. "Lendix caters now to all these investors. '' »
As early as 2015, Lendix is the funding of over 200 loans issued by SMEs in quality, and will bring in term several hundreds of millions of euros in savings each year to SMEs.
* Sycamore includes Sycomore Asset Management (3 billion euros of assets under management), Sycamore Corporate Finance and Sycamore Family Office.
Photography, from top to bottom and from left to right: Paul de Kali Dasan, Marc Sebag, Patrick de Nonneville and Olivier Goy
Third fundraising Lendix 03/11/2015
A first foray outside France, in Spain. Moreover, in this Tuesday, November 3, Pascal Ouvrard, a former Axa Bank, hired this summer to lead the international expansion of Lendix, is currently seeking an approval with the local market authorities. «The Spanish market is quite similar to France, whether the number of SMEs, the nature of their expectations or the regulation of the crowdlending,» explains Olivier Goy.
For more details see article http://richesse-et-finance.com/lendix-levee-de-fonds/
Other partners.
Entreprendre, specialist of entrepreneurial support since 1986, has just signed a partnership with the Anaxago and Lendix crowdfunding platforms in order to offer its winners a new offer of fast and secure financing via a fund raiser or a loan to the business. The three partners are playing on the essential role of entrepreneurial support to secure the financing of the winners, from investors and lenders. Relying on the expertise of Anaxago and Lendix, Réseau Entreprendre and its partners are part of a strong societal approach to developing participatory funding allowing investors and lenders to be not only committed actors but also make their savings useful to the economy via the support creative enterprises to employment.
Who speaks?
Lendix is the first platform of loan in November and for four consecutive months, according to crowdlending.fr. It ranks also ranked first for the year 2015 (…).
A peer-to-peer lending platform has become the first to raise €1 000 000 in France for a company in a single transaction, one year after the French government passed a law allowing crowdsourced loans for small businesses.
FINTECH: how Lendix became the number one online SME loan
A departure in brass band for L[…]endix, since its first borrower is none other than the Chef Alain Ducasse
Lendix, finance a SME as if you were a banker
My opinion after the test on the site
Excellent, reliable, simple and good pay. J´AIME much. The site is very simple and perfect to begin or diversify. Indeed during l´inscription he m´a took a few minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Fast, should complete the document with name classic and the rets, ask the necessary supporting documents.

Then place the fun because you can almost directly start investing on the site. Why just look at how much it wishes to place and especially what project. Lendix offers any financial l´analyse of the project with all possible ratios, even if in the end we look not always everything. Lendix offers the choice of several companies. Just then this click on projects and first look at the description.

By paradoxical thing against the financial overview is super detailed, I n´en uses almost nothing in the end. Yet giving you will find all the ratios to your happiness. We find the figure d´affaire, its evolution, social capital, gross l´excedent d´exploitation net income, ability to repay, the need in the background of bearing, and two three other ratios.
example d´analyse:
With a turnover of €2 465 020 realized in 2015 on a historic client base, the company has an excellent performance in terms of activity history combined with double-digit operating profitability.
The decrease in performance on the balance sheet stopped at March 31, 2014 is linked to a 'holding Parnas' most significant sample, shareholder of Prest'Action for a year, until February 2014. This company was to accompany Prest'Action in its business development.
The landing of the current is 3.1 million euros in turnover and €400.000 of operational profitability – either an equal to the level of profitability of the period before the entry and the exit of 'Parnas Holding'.
The company has a good ability to repay with a forecast FCCR multiple (Fixed Charge Cover Ratio *) 1.4 and a solid financial structure with a ratio pro forma debt 1.2 NET/ebitda and net debt / equity of 0.4.
Analysis of the project and the company lead to a 'B' rating with a strong financial strength and a 7.5% rate year.
* Multiple FCCR 1.4 means that the company has a 40 per cent safety margin compared with its ability to repay its bills of credit.
Expert opinion is given to approximate the credit experienced team of Lendix on the basis of the elements provided by the promoter and information from our database (Scores & Decisions, file Bank for enterprises). This opinion is only an element of reflection in the decision-making of a lender to participate in the financing of a project.
You will notice the style Lendix d´ecriture with words like 'landing', fortunately it y asterisks (I n´invente nothing).
Personally I m´attarde mainly on the amount of the capital and on the three key points that are the strength of the balance sheet, the profitability and the company l´historique. Lendix notes d´ailleurs from A to C, A being of course the best.
my personal thing
Personally I think that l´on can invest on almost everything on this site but I prefer 100 €000 capital
As in every time, I diversify my capital on several companies, I validate and particularity, Lendix sends an SMS confirmation for your investment.
I love
- The simple system
- regular projects
- the fact that leaders are investing
- sponsorship
- customer service
I do not like
validation by sms, very heavy
J´Investis lot on this platform, and you?
Sign up here and now touch your bonus Lendix
code sponsorship or link with a € 20 bonus for you: jfloer