The E.C.R.A.C. method is a method of relevant sale in 5 phases. This method is used by the advisers to sell a solution to a prospect.
Purpose of the E.C.R.A.C. method
This morning I present to you the E.C.R.A.C. method . C´EST a method of relevant sale in 5 phases. This method is used by the advisers to sell a solution to a prospect, it is not complicated in itself but it implies many things qu´il'll have to learn to master and are not explicitly say. I'm talking about particular objections, c´est to say specific objections to your product and the recurrent objections of customers, which will make l´objet d´un another article.
Let's start with the 5 words of the method
Listen: In this phase it will be necessary to listen to your client (also works on your sweetie). L´ecoute C´EST active qu´il will have to do. "Just" bounce on what you said your prospect to him showing signs d´attention. In fact n´oubliez not, your prospect s´interesse first on the most important person for him in c´est to say: him. In our method to send a bomb to the client to signify his intention, example when I talk about l´epargne people, I ask the question would you please – it? While in fact I know for a fact that the livret A is a not at all sexy? And the need to silence, the first talking having lost, should not return to a game of question and answer oneself. In l´ecoute I repeat must be active l´ecoute, c´est to say mark interest to what your prospect says, do not interrupt it and conclude with: "I understand your comment" or "I understand…". »
Dig: when the client gives an objection, we must understand the origin of the objection. At this time the goal of game is to return discussion in the camp of the client so it need to answer. Certain questions return the ball to the customer while allowing you to dig and know what are the objections of the client. "" These issues are very important and should be used "what makes you say that?" / "Why do you think this?" i.e. "/"in other words"/"car"/" is that ""but still"expand I beg you"
Example a customer comes and you said j´ai blocked my phone (pin code? punk code? code screen? code sim card?) and you said it doesnt work. You can not simply these answers to respond to his request, he must dig to get l´information you are interested in.
Rephrase: In this phase you must validate with the client, why stay in the factual to establish common ground with the prospect. The objection is well taken into account and identified by the Advisor and the client must feel. Use sentences such that "if I have understood correctly,…". » . Of course, it is obvious qu´il do not rephrase if the sentence is absolutely clear but only in the case or the sentence may lead to confusion. Reformulation is therefore is to ask the question to his client but with different words. If possible use the same vocabulary (or the same vocabulary registry) as your interlocutor. The words of the prospect should be used in open questions used to revive the conversation.
Argue: Respond in a clear, logical and structured. Reassure the prospect. L´argumentaire must answer the questions of the customer, so you can for example press you the SONCAS method to respond.
In your argument it is often the following terms:
I give an example:
-so / example / such / as / in particular.
I bring proof:
-in effect / result of / (there) for evidence
I eventually acknowledge an incident:
-Gold / it is true that
I eventually brings a new element:
-else / then / while / although.
Argue in opposing ideas, facts:
To mark a contradiction:
– But / however / while / while / instead / not / though.
To correct:
-in reality / truth / in fact.
To mark a moderate opposition:
-However / however / yet / however.
To raise or alleviate:
-even / even / least / at least.
Remember to use the appropriate when your Exchange connectors.
Define the cause:
– because / because / since / pretext that / is that… is that… / not that (+ subjunctive)… but because / for fear of / in the absence of / thanks to.
Define the consequences:
– so / so / so / so that / to the point of / to / so / indeed / therefore / so.
Raise objections:
-While / except that / but / although (+ area code) / when well same (+ conditional) / however / rather / however.
The comparisons:
-as / otherwise that / as if / as… than / less… that / more… more… / as / as / contrary to.
Admit, – make concessions:
-Although (+ subjunctive) / however / however / however.
Lay my conditions:
-If / in case (+ conditional / + subjunctive) / unless (+ subjunctive) / provided (+ subjunctive)
Conclude trade: check that the argument is well understood by your client, that objection is well thrown. Made a good closing to be certain to permanently lock your sale. You can use for example the sentence qu´est – what will make you'll do business with me and that you n´allez not to do business.
This method is effective, but its practical application requires much d´entrainement.