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The recovery of the real estate market should be intensified and sales could reach unknown levels for over 10 years, according to Credit Foncier. But prices should continue to decline slightly.
Real estate year promises for the time very good auspices. Housing sales, which rebounded significantly by 2015, with 800,000 transactions in the former, according to Crédit Foncier (+ 16% compared with 2014), could soar in 2016. Credit Foncier in fact anticipates the sale of 825,000 former goods this year. An all-time record for more than 10 years (for the record, 821.000 transactions had been carried out in 2006 and 810.000 in 2007).
Nine real estate should also continue to raise its head. Certainly by 2015 only 352,000 new housing are out of Earth (as in 2014). "But building permits are distributed on the rise," said Bruno Deletré, CEO of Crédit Foncier. What, for the latter should therefore be reflected this year by the construction of 379,000 units.
Down, the mortgage rates are near record levels may 2015
As was already the case in 2015, the extremely low mortgage rates should play a key role. "The maintenance of rates in the coming months, to levels never seen, should allow a sustainable recovery of the housing market," said Bruno Deletré, that table on rates of credit at 2.2% on average throughout the year. Since the beginning of the year, home loans rates began to fall, in the wake of the borrowing of State French in 10 years, ALO, on which they are indexed, fell to 0.61%.
"Some banks have dropped their rate of 0.25%. In General, we approached record levels of may 2015», notes Jérôme Robin, president of Vousfinancer.com. Result: in 2016, the banks could grant of EUR 163 billion real estate (excluding renegotiations of loans), is 4.5% more that in 2015 that had already been a very good year, considers the study of Credit Foncier.
On the other hand, the entry into force of the new rate loan zero (PTZ) on 1 January for two years (ceilings of resources identified, amount of the loan up to 40% of the operation, grace and duration of the loan extended) should support the market in the nine.
Paradoxically, despite the boom of transactions, prices should continue to decline by 0.9% on average according to Crédit Foncier (including-1% in the province and 0.8% in Île de France). "The market is supported by inexpensive real estate credit, but the economic situation remains difficult: the unemployment rate is high, prices little decreased, especially in the new and are expensive", justifies to Crédit Foncier. End of the year however, prices might stabilize. However, disparities between regions and depending on the quality and the location of the property will widen, provides Credit Foncier. The decline in housing loans since 2008 (5.07% on average) rate allowed borrowers to earn 25% of purchasing power. The latest erosion of the price of stone also plays. According to the calculations of Crédit Foncier, the average cost of an acquisition decreased by 8.6% between summer 2013 and summer 2015.
Why in my opinion this is a good year?
Simply because 2016 is not a year d´elections t he y yet the Patel law for l´investissement. I also think that level investment market in 2015 is much reduced and c´est interesting.
Credit and real estate
Last point credit. You should know that the credit is an important factor in l´immobilier. Indeed people tend to borrow up to their maximum so the real estate d´acheter. So any decrease in the rate of the credit will lower the monthly payments of the latter which will eventually increase the maximum capacity of the persons wishing to borrow because banks lend so that your monthly payments are 25% to 33% of the amount of your income.
As such there is a strong sensitivity of the purchasers about the evolution of interest rates. Most rates are low more people can borrow and so they can buy real estate. But be aware that this is not all, in fact the price of l´immobilier is influenced by the amount that people can buy so their savings, the l´emploi market and their ability to borrow… L´emploi market do not move much, but the low rate will help especially after qu´il has been a decline in prices. With a fall in prices and a strong solvent demand you get according to the law of job and demand many sales, simply.
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