Credit.fr is not a site of credit for individuals, c´est a site d´investissements in the line right of french crowdlending. Lend useful and get rewarded for your actions.
Enter the following code in the Promo Code field to get a bonus: P10073
Credit.fr description
Credit.fr enables individuals to lend directly to the undertakings of their choice while having a better remuneration of their savings. CEdit.fr makes it possible to lend to the PMT and French TPES.
Why invest on credit.fr?
It n there was no cost of entry or management
Like most investments, a life insurance contract includes charges to file, payments management, arbitration, transfer, release while on credit.fr it n there is nothing of this.
The relationship between companies and banks is very complicated and you can help.
On one side there are banks who say they want to lend to businesses at low rates and on the other hand there are companies who say that banks don't want to lend them in good conditions, insofar as they often match their loans of extravagant conditions.
Of course, I think everyone has reason. The only thing is that when the banks talk about business, they speak not necessarily small SMEs. They have the ability to lend is no doubt. On the other hand, it is also true that the TPE have less access to credit than larger SMEs.
Indeed lend on credit.fr is a social gesture.
Because tax developments are interesting
Enacted in December 2015, the device has entered into force on 1 January: individuals paying companies can now deduct the losses from their income tax. Specifically, any capital losses will be deductible interests received in the same year and carried forward over the next 5 years. Other developments are desired by the sector and will be reviewed throughout the year by the legislature.
Because other investments are less and less interesting in terms of performance and credit.fr allows you to earn 10 times faster than your booklet
The ELP was lowered to 1.5% and the Livret A maintained at 0.75%. In view of this, the crowdlending yields are much better. Finally, you can really earn l´argent with credit.fr.
A rate of return up to 8.70%.
C´EST just 10 times what your bank offers. Thanks credit.fr you can finally make inflate your savings and not your bank accounts.
Because the platform does not ask you to move
You can indeed make you, without you moving your couch. No need to make an appointment, all this is now remote and you can invest on Sunday evening or Monday at 4 o'clock in the morning if it sings to you. This offers an incomparable flexibility compared to a conventional Bank.
Diversify your investments by lending to companies of your choice,
C´EST you the master on board and you can do what you want, if a project you please particularly you can put more d´argent or, on the contrary, if a project does not please you can purely and simply l´ignorer. Finished l´epoque or your favorite commercial was to advise on a product. C´EST now you the master on board and like that you do not pay a commercial to give you advice on products on which it has marketing objectives.
Because even with little d´argent you can make something really interesting
With only €100 you can start investing, an auction being just €50 and all without ever needing to recover from l´argent. This allows all savers d´avoir access to the right products and more to customers with heritage + and with XXX XXX euros on the bank account.
Other information
Companies strictly selected by Credit.fr and presented to the community of lenders are divided into three categories.
SELECTIVE is associated with a probability of average failure at 12 months less than 0.10% *.
The selective classification allows borrowing on Credit .fr to 3.40% on 36; 4% for 48 months; 4.60% for 60 months.
- Default probability average studied a sample of 2,000,000 of companies with more than 4 years.
- Default probability average studied a sample of 3.300.000 of companies with more than 4 years
BALANCE is associated with a probability of average failure at 12 months less than 0.40% *.
The balance classification allows to borrow at 6% for 36 months, 6.60% for 48 months, and 7.20% over 60 months.
DYNAMIC is associated with a probability of average failure at 12 months less than 0.90% *.
The dynamic classification to borrow from 7.50% for 36 months, 8.10% for 48 months and 8.70% for 60 months.
Credit.fr is an intermediate in funding participatory enrolled in the ORIAS since October 17, 2014, under the number 14006008.
No management, transfer fees or input and output
How goes the credit?
You are an individual looking for a better return for your investments?
- Finance the SME – VSE of your choice with a loan paid up to 8.70%!
- No entry or management fees
- A careful selection of projects with a death on the borrower disability insurance
- Improve the performance of your savings with attractive rates ranging from 3.40% to 8.70% *.
- Diversify your investments by lending to companies of your choice
- Go to a list of projects strictly selected by our experts
- Sign up
- Fund your account
- Select your projects
- Pay
- Receive your interests
In the event of non-payment, Credit.fr informs you and conducts internal 60 days following recovery actions (representation of the levy, contact with the company, possibly rescheduling at the end of outstanding maturity contract). If after 60 days, the company has not regularized, the claim is forwarded to our partner Contentia (number 2 of the recovery in France) who will be in charge of the recovery of the debt in a way friendly and judicial if necessary.
Everything is commissioned by Credit.fr who shall bear all costs of recovery.
The monthly instalments paid by the borrower are composed of Capital, interest at the rate of the contract and which add management borrower fees.
Any investment in SMEs carries a risk, this is why we advise you to mix your investments in several projects. However to limit risk to the maximum, Credit.fr has developed a powerful scoring system and performs a selection of projects (only 5% of applications are accepted).
How can I pay?
Up to 1 million Euro with a maximum of € 1000 per project (regulatory limit). The minimum amount is € 50.
How to proceed?
After you have created my lender account hosted by our partner SMONEY (subsidiary of BPCE) in a few clicks, I credit my account via CB or external transfer. I can then choose the amount between €50 and €1000 and the company to which I want to lend.
At what rate will I invest my money?
The gross rate that pays your loan is paid by the borrower to know:
- Selective: 3.40% for 36 months / 4% for 48 months / 4.60% for 60 months for the selective category
- Balanced: 6% for 36 months 6.60% for 48 months / 7.20% for 60 months for the category balance
- Dynamic: 7.50% for 36 months 8.10% for 48 months / 8.70% for 60 months for the dynamic category
These rates allow you to get a performance out of proportion with a traditional savings.
When will I receive the interests?
Every month the borrower pays his monthly payment (Capital + interest) that you can reinvest in new projects or withdraw from your lender account.
How much are transfers between my bank account and my account Credit.fr Smoney?
You is charged no fees for withdrawals or feed your lender account.
When is the loan contract concluded?
Once the complete collection the borrower signs the agreement, the funds are disbursed. The lender then receives the monthly repayments of receivables corresponding to the amount borrowed.
No, no entry fees.
What are the management fees?
There is no charge. The management of your account is completely free.
How are studied the records of loan?
After an initial phase of automated eligibility our teams of analysts come into contact with the borrower for the comprehensive study of the project and supporting documents.
- Study of the project
- The company financial study
- Study on the leader
- Mark Bank of France
- Anti-fraud procedures
- Categorization in selective / balance / Dynamics
Only companies with more than 4 years of seniority are eligible for our platform.
Credit.fr carries out a strict selection of borrowers, in practice only 5% of appropriations requests are accepted by our analysts.
Which are the Categories selective, balanced and dynamic?
Companies strictly selected by Credit.fr and presented to the community of lenders are divided into three categories.
SELECTIVE is associated with a probability of average failure at 12 months less than 0.10% *.
The selective classification allows borrowing on Credit .fr to 3.40% on 36; 4% for 48 months; 4.60% for 60 months.
* Default probability average studied a sample of 2,000,000 of companies with more than 4 years.
* Default probability average studied a sample of 3.300.000 of companies with more than 4 years
BALANCE is associated with a probability of average failure at 12 months less than 0.40% *.
The balance classification allows to borrow at 6% for 36 months, 6.60% for 48 months, and 7.20% over 60 months.
DYNAMIC is associated with a probability of average failure at 12 months less than 0.90% *.
The dynamic classification to borrow from 7.50% for 36 months, 8.10% for 48 months and 8.70% for 60 months.
What are the types of loan offered by Credit.fr?
Credit.fr enables companies to borrow € 20 000 to € 200,000 on 3, 4 and 5 years to finance investment projects. (Equipment, vehicles, jobs, business, development etc).
What's happening – you it if the company does not meet the amount required?
If the collection of the company does not reach the fixed amount you recover this sum on your account and money becomes available again.
How break down the monthly instalments paid by the borrower?
The monthly instalments paid by the borrower are composed of Capital, interest at the rate of the contract and which add management borrower fees.
Where are the funds that I put on my Credit.fr account?
The funds do not pass Credit.fr account. For reasons of regulatory and ethics all transactions pass through SMONEY establishment of electronic money with a Capital of 11 M€ Bank Populaire savings bank subsidiary. Your account is available from your lender space but is physically hosted at SMONEY. For information Smonyey deals with many platforms of crowdfunding
Is this placement it risky?
Any investment in SMEs carries a risk, this is why we advise you to mix your investments in several projects. However to limit risk to the maximum, Credit.fr has developed a powerful scoring system and performs a selection of projects (only 5% of applications are accepted).
What happens if the borrower dies?
Your loan is repaid to you by our insurer since Credit.fr subscribed a contract group for borrowers in the event of death-invalidity, disability total and temporary leader.
Why is there no personal guarantee of the leader?
Credit.fr presents on its platform as carefully selected projects (seniority of the business / financial health / leader/Note BdF). For this type of undertaking the guarantor and the guarantee are unnecessary and are synonymous with excessive bureaucracy.
Will my information be visible on the site?
In my account, you can choose your preferences of visibility and thus to define the information you want to share.
You can create a nickname and disclose other lenders to information about you. You have the ability to interact with other lenders or ask questions to the borrowers.
How to track loans that I have made?
24/24, I have access to my lender account that allows me to see my portfolio and my dashboard. I know at all times the sums invested, their performance, my money as well as transparent charges and taxation corresponding to my investments on Credit.fr.
What happens in the event of unpaid?
In the event of non-payment, Credit.fr informs you and conducts internal 60 days following recovery actions (representation of the levy, contact with the company, possibly rescheduling at the end of outstanding maturity contract). If after 60 days, the company has not regularized, the claim is forwarded to our partner Contentia (number 2 of the recovery in France) who will be in charge of the recovery of the debt in a way friendly and judicial if necessary.
Everything is commissioned by Credit.fr who shall bear all costs of recovery.
Can the borrower make a repayment?
Yes, at any time, and without penalty, the borrower can repay early provided that the refund is total. In this case you will receive your outstanding principal and interest since the last deadline.
What do you do to protect yourself against fraud?
Credit.fr is equipped with the latest anti-fraud tools available on the market and has implemented a system of audits of data and documents with our various partners.
Who can I contact for more information?
Our customer service is at your disposal at 0800-340-690 from Monday to Friday from 9 h to 20 h and 10 h to 16 h Saturday.
When will I receive my referral bonus?
As a sponsor, you will receive your referral bonus, the first of the month following the first loan made by your friend.
When will I receive my welcome bonus?
Welcome bonuses are paid on Thursday the date of any registration made before each Tuesday night 11:59 pm. If you register between Wednesday morning and Tuesday that follows, you will earn your bonus the following Thursday. For example: If you sign up on Tuesday, December 22, you will earn your premium on Thursday 24 December. If you register Wednesday, December 23, you will earn your bonus Thursday, December 31.
Some holidays can shift the days of regulation of premiums. Thank you for your understanding.
Why are there – it a dime's difference between the monthly payment expected and perceived monthly payment?
A term of loan is only very rarely a round number.
For example, for a loan of € 50,000 for 48 months at 8.10% the amount of the monthly payment is 1 €264,66115557377.
The rule at Credit.fr is round to two digits after the decimal point.
Each project is supported by about 100 lenders. Reimbursement in proportion to each lender loans generates new rounding, this is why there is always a dime of difference between the monthly payment expected and perceived; It is difficult to divide 1 centime per 100.
This penny is not for the benefit of the platform but rest on the account of electronic currency of the borrower.
The tax for the lender is the country of tax residence. In France, as any investment in fixed income, the interest you receive in return for the loan amounts, are subject to income tax.
In practice, Credit.fr reverse you your interests after a withholding lump of 24% added to social security levies (15.5%). This is a down payment on your income tax. Any excess over your final tax will therefore be refunded.
In addition, if you receive less than €2,000 per year of investment in fixed income products, you can claim on your tax return, be subjected to a discharge by flat-rate taxation from 24% (this is interesting if your marginal tax rate is greater than 24%).
Finally, you can ask to be exempted from the regulation of this deposit for your 2015 income if income tax reference (RFR) of your tax home (indicated on your notice of assessment 2014) is:
- less than €25 000 for a single person,
- less than €50,000 for a couple.
To help you to declare your income received on Credit.fr, we put at your disposal a printed tax Unique (IFU) before February 15 following the end of the respective fiscal year.
Effective January 1, 2016, 2015 amending Finance Act allows individuals the deduction of capital losses of interest received during the same year and 5 years for loans under participatory financing, to the tune of €1000 provided by project.
Why borrow?
By financing your project on Credit.fr you can directly benefit from the savings of individuals.
With Credit.fr, the acceptance process is simplified to the maximum: immediate eligibility test online
A definitive answer within 48 h.
We offer you the most competitive market conditions, as well as insurance against death disability on the leader. By presenting your project on our website you navigate to our community of lenders and take advantage of the high visibility of our site.
If rates are perhaps more than in banks it good reason y, in fact far from being in opposition with the banks, the crowdlending is a modern complementary financing tool for businesses. SMEs who use participatory financing may have different motivations:
- Desire to get closer to their customers and suppliers around a common project
- Opportunity to do an operation of communication and recruitment of new customers around an innovative way to finance
- Wish to limit its dependence on its bank which may sometimes ask too many guarantees or take too much time to decide and to release the funds.
- Refusal of banks because the amounts are too weak or are not taken into account or misunderstood by the latter, and yet strategic investments for SMEs (campaign marketing, recruitment, development of a website, etc).
There are insurance against death disability on the leader
No guaranteed
Credit.fr, we eliminate the excessive bureaucracy, and we have confidence: no personal guarantee, nor guarantees on the property financed!
Credit.fr wishes to promote access to finance for very small businesses and French SMEs regardless of their sector of activity, legal form or location. However, for questions of selectivity for its community of lenders Credit.fr present on its site as projects for companies with more than 4 years of seniority.
In 3 steps
(a) phase of eligibility: immediate on our site.
(b) final acceptance phase: in 48 h after issuance of the necessary supporting documents (tax bundle, CNI etc.)
(c) collection phase. This is the phase during which the project is online and during which lenders choose to lend you. This Phase has a theoretical duration of 30 days, but is shortened as soon as the requested amount is reached.
Once the complete collection and the contract signed, the money is transferred to the account of the borrower.
At Credit.fr, we want to offer you the best conditions for the sector. Based on a number of criteria your company will be classified in our selective category, balance or dynamic.
The rates of these three categories are as follows:
Selective: 3.40% for 36 months / 4% for 48 months / 4.60% for 60 months.
Balanced: 6% for 36 months 6.60% for 48 months / 7.20% over 60 months.
Dynamic: 7.50% for 36 months 8.10% for 48 months / 8.70% for 60 months.
You can do all your investment projects namely:
- Computer/telephony/office automation equipment
- Medical equipment
- Machine & tooling
- Intangible / website
- Tourism/utility/industrial vehicle
- Works/facilities/real estate
- Recovery of a business
- Franchise/admission
- Research & development/market research
- Acquisition of associates currents accounts
€ 20 000 to € 200,000 on 3, 4 or 5 years.
Credit.fr, our pricing is transparent. The demand for credit and the licensing process are completely free. The unblocking of the funds you pay 3% of the amount of the loan. This amount is paid to Credit.fr by deduction from the amount of the loan.
Finally Credit.fr charge you a 1% management fee annually. They correspond to an annual commission of 1% applied to the total amount of the loan the first year, and the capital remaining due on the anniversary date of the loan the following years. The amount of these fees is paid monthly to CREDIT.FR by the account of the borrower with the same dates as the payment of the loan maturity.
at any time, you can repay your loan in advance, only if the rebate is total and you tell us with 30 days notice. Credit.fr charges no fees for early repayment.
Credit.fr endorsed on behalf of the leader man key of the borrower company insurance against disability disability and death. This insurance is free for the borrower.
FAQ borrowers
Credit.fr caters to businesses?
Yes, Credit.fr wishes to promote access to finance for very small businesses and French SMEs regardless of their sector of activity, legal form or location. However, for questions of selectivity for its community of lenders Credit.fr present on its site as projects for companies with more than 4 years of seniority.
How long to receive my loan?
Credit.fr obtaining a loan is done in 3 steps and is very fast:
- (a) phase of eligibility: immediate on our site.
- (b) final acceptance phase: in 48 h after issuance of the necessary supporting documents (tax bundle, CNI etc.)
- (c) collection phase. This is the phase during which the project is online and during which lenders choose to lend you. This Phase has a theoretical duration of 30 days, but is shortened as soon as the requested amount is reached.
Once the complete collection and the contract signed, the money is transferred to the account of the borrower.
At what rate can I borrow?
At Credit.fr, we want to offer you the best conditions for the sector. Based on a number of criteria your company will be classified in our selective category, balance or dynamic.
The rates of these three categories are as follows:
- Selective: 3.40% for 36 months / 4% for 48 months / 4.60% for 60 months.
- Balanced: 6% for 36 months 6.60% for 48 months / 7.20% over 60 months.
- Dynamic: 7.50% for 36 months 8.10% for 48 months / 8.70% for 60 months.
What can I finance?
You can do all your investment projects namely:
- Computer/telephony/office automation equipment
- Medical equipment
- Machine & tooling
- Intangible / website
- Tourism/utility/industrial vehicle
- Works/facilities/real estate
- Recovery of a business
- Franchise/admission
- Research & development/market research
- Acquisition of associates currents accounts
€ 20 000 to € 200,000 on 3, 4 or 5 years.
Credit.fr, our pricing is transparent. The demand for credit and the licensing process are completely free. The unblocking of the funds you pay 3% of the amount of the loan. This amount is paid to Credit.fr by deduction from the amount of the loan.
Finally Credit.fr charge you 1% annual management fees. They correspond to an annual commission of 1% applied to the total amount of the loan the first year, and the capital remaining due on the anniversary date of the loan the following years. The amount of these fees is paid monthly to CREDIT.FR by the account of the borrower with the same dates as the payment of the loan maturity.
Credit.fr and his partner Monétique S-money, take care of everything, you have nothing to do if you ensure that your bank account is well supplied before each monthly sample. S – money then load's dispatcher your monthly payment between all lenders.
Yes, you can at any time to repay your loan in advance, only if the rebate is total and you tell us with 30 days notice. Credit.fr charges no fees for early repayment.
Yes, Credit.fr endorsed on behalf of the leader man key of the borrower company insurance against disability disability and death. This insurance is free for the borrower.
I have published my financial information on Credit.fr for a loan?
From your accounting elements, Credit.fr will prepare a summary table containing the main financial items. This table will be available only to registered lenders and will enable the community of lenders to have a synthetic view of the digits of your business.
However if you are opposed, we will not publish the synthesis of the financial elements. In this case it is likely that this complicates the collection from our community of lenders that undoubtedly arise questions.
Other information about credit.fr
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before 31/12/2015 *!
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Security question, but who is credit.fr?
Credit.fr is a platform of participatory financing regulated by the French authorities, registered under number 14006008 in the ORIAS.

Credit.fr site is edited by the company CREDIT.FR.
Director of publication: Thomas de evidence, CEO
CREDIT.FR provides customers of intermediation in participatory financing (the "Service") services consisting of relationship, through the Site, borrowers and lenders, to define and arrange financing between lenders and borrowers, and define and organize monitoring modalities of these operations funding and their management until their term.
CREDIT.FR is a company with a capital of 1.706.707 euros (note in 2015), registered with the register of trade and companies of Paris under the number 539 015 149.
- Siren: 539015149
- Intra-Community VAT identification number: FR72539015149 00013
- Head office: 5, rue Baume, 75008 PARIS
- E-mail address: contact@credit.fr
- Phone: 0800340690
CREDIT.FR is an intermediate in participatory financing registered under the number 14006008 to the body for the single register of insurance intermediaries, Bank and finance (ORIAS), association governed by the law of 1 July 1901 whose statutes have been approved by order of the Minister of the economy of December 20, 2012 and whose headquarters is located at 1, rue Jules Lefebvre 75331 Paris cedex 09.
CREDIT.FR operates the Site under the brand «CREDIT.FR' exclusive property of CREDIT.FR.
It is also recalled that CREDIT.FR distributes electronic money within the meaning of article L. 525 – 8 of the monetary and financial Code.
- Head office: 5, rue Baume, 75008 PARIS
- E-mail address: contact@credit.fr
- Phone: 0800340690
History Credit.fr
www.truffle.fr and www.fcpi.fr
The capital of credit.fr
CREDIT.FR is a company with a capital of 2.936.215 euros in March 2016. It is a large company in the world by the crowdfunding.
compared to competitors, such as unilend (one of the leaders)
The ´hebergeur
Credit.fr is hosted in Ireland, countries of the European Union, by:
Amazon Web Services LLC
PO Box 81226
Seattle, WA 98108-1226
United States
Tel. : + 1 206 266 4064
Fax: + 1 206 266 7010
Benson Lee, co-founder
Contractor in the soul, a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Laurent has more than 15 years of experience in the development, financing and management of web & mobile, startups with a strong penchant for the FinTech.
Evidence Thomas, CEO
Thomas plays in the field of credit in France and abroad for more than 20 years. He was CEO of specialist credit remotely Cofidis then President the Leader of credit scoring Experian.
Elodie Gaussares, Marketing Manager (no longer on the site in March, 2016)
Woman marketing and graduated from Sciences Po & HEC, Elodie fell into financial services in the early 2000s. She has developed a strong expertise around credit and digital product development for leaders such as Cetelem and Boursorama brands.
Cynthia Parietti, Business Developer
Entrepreneur and a business school graduate, Cynthia, has spent 10 years as a business consultant in the banking sector. She then created a company specializing in research funding for the SOHO / SME.
Alexandra Thomas, responsible for granting
A graduate of the Inseec, Alexandra has 10 years experience in financing TPE/PME. She has worked as Senior Credit Analyst for Société Générale and the Arkéa Group began his career at Crédit Agricole.
Nadim Takchi, Business Developer
A graduate of HEC, Nadim began his career in bathroom products structured at HSBC market. Subsequently, he was responsible for the development of partnerships with financial advisors at Marne & Finance.
Stephanie Proost, Webmaster
Graduated from ESCP and passion for new technologies, Stephanie has more than 10 years of experience in the web, first as a project manager digital agency, then as independent Webdesigner.
Sarah Aneel, sales assistant
A graduate of a Master 2 trades the Bank and Finance at the University of Tours, Sarah began in London then returned to France to integrate Credit Mutuel-CIC group.
Enter the following code in the Promo Code field to get a bonus: P10073
Credit.fr partners
Nothing in this topic
Who speaks of credit.fr?
My opinion after the test
The site is not bad, but its performance is in the range. I do not believe in the claimed highest risk. I think that it is higher qu´indique. But it n´empeche the site remains a good quality site.
The registration with the summary screen
Here is for example the main menu of the site, you will find the usual headings with your portfolio, your account etc. The menu is well done even if I find that in sum it up should see faster the remaining sum to lend. In fact, any good investor wants to that 100% of its money work and it would be a shame d´oublier d´investir in projects, just because you knew more how you had on the account. But that is a minor detail.
The menus are soft, understandable but at how ugly, grey in 2016, it's almost the fault of taste, but this is really minor. And then there is no beautiful graphics like on unilend or finsquare or even lendix.

An idea, the basket of proposals.
Clearly inspired by suggestions of companies type amazon baskets, basket suggest you investment. It is very interesting but for now still too limited, and review suggestions every day is fast breaks foot in my opinion.
Good personally nothing that the word basket ca does not match me too, I think they would have the find something else as the name.
Second this is only a suggestion system, I really love an automatic thing according to more criteria.
What is lacking
Missing graphic. Especially personally I like to have a chart with a cash flow and with figures both to ask (be demanding, credit.fr is not the SMEs of the tariff views corner they could put to the domain name).
L´Ecran summary of projects:
A project:

At the information level I find that it is essential, but I have however enjoyed a topic why we will refund instead of why us support, the objectives are not always the same. As an investor is just the first thing that interests me, sorry but get my money is very important for me.

The ability to write a comment is significant.
Enter the following code in the Promo Code field to get a bonus: P10073
Echoes heritage – 04/03/2016
'Crowdlending': pay instead of the banker can be hugely