Here I had an email yesterday on crowdimo about the platform. The redesign is very large and it was time.
This is the mail
Our platform is being recast and is no longer accessible.
In anticipation of the new platform, we have created an alternative platform:
If you want to invest, please contact us either
By mail at the following
For any further information feel free to contact our experts: by e-mail: by phone: + 331 41 63 25 63Cordialement,. |
The Crowdimo team,
Crowdimo Invest, investment real estate Democratisecreons entire real estate tomorrow
what I find negative
recast in wild
Okay so this is the redesign still was in wild (without warning) but for now (12 h 00 23/03/2016) platform does recognize more members, so it'll have to wait. But we can already see a graphical redesign of the site. After telephoned, the redesign was made, because it y got a server error and in fact they published the test site, and so they had no choice. Suddenly they are going to have to work.
platform inaccessible temporarily
The links do not work yet.
The new menus
Nice presentation of project. But the square of loading is lousy compared to other platforms. It is in 2016 square kind pixel 2005 it is possible
The menus risks
pity the sentence does not say the information in what I invested, a holding company that is to say? me a holding company is everything and anything, too vague:
The risks associated with the mounting of the operation:
In this type of operation, several facilities exist. Crowdimo took the party to use the said editing "Subscription of bonds for the project through a holding company created by Crowdimo Invest.". Crowdimo creates a holding company which collects funds for the project. This holding supports a bond with the project promoter. The sum then allows the promoter to realize the real estate project. The promoter pays interest on this form of debt to investors. The investor can lose more than his initial bet and he perceives its interests and its capital at maturity of the obligation. This type of Mount is reassuring for investors because the return on investment is not bound to the margin of the promoter, but the interest paid by the latter.
In fact it is obligations through an SAS.
A clear contact but
I have enjoyed a menu, who we (actually it's in about).
Lack of reassuring logos
It does not sufficiently certifications that the platform has in the menus. Damage, commercially speaking it is shoot itself in the foot.
SAS or are you?
It does not speak of SAS and I wanted a before and after.
a few bugs
The platform should not be launched under these circumstances, good necessarily has bugs, I postponed some
What I find positive:
Better adjusted platform
The menus are better
Up-to-date information
The sci is finished
change logos
Purple orange color choice is questionable, but hey at least it differs from competitors and is better than orange grey.
The old platform

The new:
The new menus
Nice presentation of project.
The menu investing with which risks.
The idea of the menu is really interesting
A clear contact
A platform certification AMF
The request was made, expected response
Crowdimo interests are the same as yours.
I just learned that appointing also crowdimo, a good point… This avoids to sell junk.
Member of the French association of the estate crowdfunding
It is a good point, pity that it is not yet highlighted sufficiently
Good idea, it's still a little lost.
An open platform
Indeed I expressed what I think to crowdimo and they will take it into consideration. Incidentally I just learned that also invested crowdimo, a good point…
A nice reform in perspective