This article is my opinion on TrafficNcash, an advertising agency almost serious and especially too profitable to be honest, what start 2016 on the wrong foot with this fraud.
My dear readers, I’m delighted to see you once again on this blog as the topic of the day is close to my heart… A small scam Ponzi scheme, this old scam.
Description of TrafficNcash by a sponsor
Editor’s Note: I wisely added a few notes to show the scam.
I recently took the time to concentrate on this young business that is TrafficNcash. It is far from having the current reputation of a community giant such as Traffic Monsoon (find my article here), but there I think all cards in hand to follow in his footsteps.
Launched barely two months earlier at the time where I write these lines, you can already see through this graph of the Alexa site as the ‘small’ rocks! (the screenshot date: December 9, 2015)
Click on the image to go directly to the curve of evolution on
Today, December 9, 2015, 8500 members, and this score increases from 100 to 200 every day, more and more quickly…
NB: in India on the curve
Before you continue reading, I propose a first visit to the web site of this opportunity.
TrafficNcash: Explanation of the concept.
General information
Jean Duclerne launched TrafficNcash on October 10, 2015.
This system provides several advertising services such as PTC (Paid-To-Click, paid i.e. clicks) or the promotion of the web site of their choice. These options are nice, especially for bloggers and webmasters who will certainly find their account.
However, I will not dwell on these topics since the heart of TrafficNcash lies in its settlement system. If you are already familiar with the concepts of this type (examples: Traffic Monsoon, Boom Direct, etc…), so no particular scenery, because the environment will remain very traditional. For those who discover the universe of the Internet business, here is the famous recipe: you buy advertising packs, which are reimbursed gradually with interesting added value, provided that you pay your task: regular clicks. As soon as a pack is mature, it is simply disabled. The duration of the life cycle of a pack varies from one business to another. Money paid on your BO (back-office or “virtual office”) will allow you to redeem new packs and take advantage of the power of compound interest.
I hear already regulars yawn and get impatient at the back of the room… Don’t worry, I now turn to the description of the components of this recipe and their precise dosing.
Earn money: losing TrafficNcash Recipe Ingredients
Packs and features
(1) price
You buy advertising packs at $ 25 the unit. Each of them generates $ 30, or 20% of profit.
(2) life expectancy of packs
A pack produces money every half-hour, at the rate of about $ 1 per day, which means a daily rate of 4%, and matured in 30 days. Nothing than that, it really is the western.
Note: $ 1/pack/day, just like TrafficMonsoon, but the daily performance of TrafficNcash is actually twice as high as the price of its packs is two times smaller ($ 25 $ 50 for TM).
(3) breakdown of earnings
Virtual income credited on the soundtrack are divided between two separate accounts:
- 60% on the cash balance, where money is available for withdrawal on processor and / or a takeover of packs.
- 40% on repurchase balance, where the money can not be removed, and only serves to redeem packs. This restriction is to consider positively: it avoids excessive withdrawals, and encourages members to continue the system by buying out regularly.
(4) condition of remuneration of packs: clicks
You must watch 6 advertisements of 12 seconds, which enables your pay for 24 hours. Six new clicks must be made before this time has elapsed; and no matter whether 10 minutes or 10 hours before, as the countdown will ‘fill’ to return to midnight in a systematic way.
Note: You can be exempt (e) of these clicks by buying so-called Surf Free Plans. For $ 50 per month, your earnings are provided without clicks over a period of 30 days. I therefore recommend it to big budgets.
Affiliate bonus
You will receive a 10% commission on purchases (in cash or via the BO) your direct referrals.
How to receive his TrafficNcash earnings?
As soon as you have $ 25 on your cash balance, you can make a withdrawal with costs of about 2%. You have at your disposal three the most popular payment processors: PayPal, Payza, Solid Trust Pay.
Withdrawals are allowed from Monday to Friday, with limitation of $ 100 on Solid Trust Pay and $ 350 on PayPal and Payza. If you intend to use one of these two processors, you can expect up to $ 1750 per week, or more than $ 7000 monthly…
Withdrawals are processed in 12 hours during U.S. business hours.
Two constraints…
And Yes, no business is perfect… you will understand that it is an evil for a while:
- In addition to the purchase price of the packs, you will be asked to pay a monthly subscription of $ 10 (excl. costs taxed by the processor). You are obligated to pay this “membership” with money real. By this means, the admin makes us contribute to the sustainability of the system.
The first good news, it is that those who have not yet reached 10 packs are exempt from this tax. They are so-called members ‘free ‘. The second good news is that the payment of the membership of your downline earns you $ 4. Rather nice, knowing that it is a monthly action… - Following various abuses and fraud, it is possible to create more than one account per IP address. In other words, you cannot sponsor your relatives if they use the same computer as you. The parade is to manage one of the accounts exclusively on PC, the other exclusively on smartphone with a mobile connection.
- Purchase of packs at $ 25 and $ 30 maturation
- $ 1 / pack / day over 30 days, or 20 per cent monthly gain
- 6 pubs to watch each day (or buying Surf Free Plans)
- Payments in maximum 12 h from $ 25 to $ 350 on PayPal, Payza or Solid Trust Pay
- Referral Commission of 10% on direct referrals
- Monthly membership $ 10
- ONE account per IP
Secure Web site: SSL certificate and server protected against DDOS attacks.
A founder of ‘trust’: Jean Duclerne, an americano-haitien originally from Click Ad country, created late 2014 business. This opportunity offered astronomical rates since its launch (on the order of 40% per day on each pack). The system was eventually wither quickly, which was quite normal and was surprised nobody...
Unlike many admins of sites ‘straw lamps’ Duclerne of this kind, is shown much more honest ‘ and has not disappeared in the wild. Well after the golden age of the site, it restarted the machine. As with other admins before him (Charles Scoville of Traffic Monsoon for example), Jean Duclerne is now focused on a compensation plan in the much longer term via TrafficNcash.
System approved by PayPal: Duclerne use the same PayPal account at the time of Click Ad country. This account has been reviewed twice by PayPal:
-a first from $ 50,000 brewed: official documents had to be provided.
-a second from $ 1,000,000 brewed: PayPal conducted a thorough investigation.
It is an undeniable advantage for a young business such as TrafficNcash.
Proof of payment: of course, I made sure to check that the system met the first thing asked: pay us when requesting a withdrawal.
Following proof on SolidTrust Pay provided by the sponsor of my sponsor (the friend of a friend or person if you prefer).
Checklist of actions to take to pluck
You must use the tab Join now in black on white background, top.
As soon as the first connection, complete your profile: click the Member Tools tab at the top and then Profile. You need to set your payment processor, the identifier or associated mail, as well as a safety issue.
Fund your account with the amount of your choice: at the top click the tab Finance then Add Funds. The funds will be credited on your cash balance.
Select your membership if you plan to buy 10 packs or more: click the Member Tools then Upgrade Account tab at the top
Buy your first advertising packs: top click the tab Finance and Purchase Shares.
Adopt the reflex to always check Use Re-Purchase Balance First (in fact, we have seen that the balance repurchase only serves to redeem packs, so much use funds held in this).
Make your 6 clicks to qualify you for the half hour pay: choice, click Surf Ads Again After 6 near a clock icon or click the View Ads and Surf Ads tab at the top.
What investment strategy?
TrafficNcash is a new concept at the time I write this, there is no still of downloadable Excel Simulator. However, you can very well use the excellent tool developed on the Team South probably illegal Xperience Web site it also.
The parameters to enter are the following:
-Initial investment: check $
-Price of each share: 25
-Each share expires at: 120%
-Each product share: 4% per day
-Week of: 5 days
-Reinvestment forced: 40%
The rest, it is up to you to define. Have fun.
How much to invest? €1 is already too
By purchasing 25 packs ($625), while knowing that you will receive $ 1/pack/day, you have generated $ 25 at the end of 24 hours, which will allow you to buy a new on the first day.
Of course, this is a ‘plateau’ that it is not mandatory to achieve from the outset.
My experience on TrafficNcash.
I am registered on TrafficNcash December 8, 2015. After taking in hand the system, my enthusiasm was such that I wanted to share an article the next day. I deposited $ 900 from the outset, and I think that I don’t stop there…
Editor’s notes so he loves to be outside the law.
If there is a positive point of TrafficNcash, it is its high potential. I will carefully monitor its evolution, and I wouldn’t be surprised that it follows the same path as the great TrafficMonsoon. This business has the best age: old enough to join him without fear of big bugs or crash starting, and young enough to benefit as long as possible. I also recalls that the admin has experience and has been able to comply with the drastic requirements of PayPal.
I honestly think he deserves the detour and a few tickets, invested wisely…
My opinion after the test on TrafficNcash, a powerful bomb for the arnaqeurs…
Any regulatory conditions
We can change the terms without notice to you. Ben see
A site that is not professional
Banners everywhere.
A utopian performance
Proposed performance is clearly utopian compared to serious offers.
Less than about bet in the actions of emerging markets within 10 years, clients should not rely on a yield exceeding 10% for their portfolios. Bonds will suffer capital losses, which will undermine their performance and actions should save an average yield of 7.5%.
A diversified portfolio should offer an average annual return of 5% to 7% over the next decade
trafficncash offers 1460% performance without leverage and changes due to market… Looking for l´erreur and yet my calculation is below the reality, because it is false.
It n there is nothing to say more.
No actual payment system
If you do not see the transfer credit c´est for a simple reason, banks n´acceptent not turning against of l´argent Crooks, Tracfin which ensures grain there. More with bank transfer must be a name and l´escroc do not want to know his real name.
Look at the difference with the good sites of my investment as item:, bolden, Lendix, crowdimo, pretup, finsquare
What you may actually
In addition to losing your money there are much larger risks.
The attempt to gain money from abnormal and easy way, in particular leaving manipulate (social engineering), eventually lead to getting you ripped off (419 fraud…), does not make you a victim but an accomplice.
No person shall avail itself of his own depravity.
In a very good video documentary of the 05.02.2013 – facing the Internet mafia, there is, among other things, an interview of a woman sentenced for aiding and abetting active money laundering after being trapped in an engineering social operation.
But in addition, the pyramid (process says the “snowball” or the “silver chain”) is prohibited in France since 1953 (Article L 122-6 of the Code of consumption 1 ° and 2 ° paragraphs). This text was supplemented by an act of 1 February 1995 (3 ° and 4 ° paragraphs) which specifies the prohibitions on sales channels. Since that date, a company which fails to comply with this regulation and allegedly illegal practices would be condemned.
Under French law, «it is forbidden to propose a person to collect memberships or to register on a list requiring her the payment of any consideration and in him doing hope financial gains resulting from a geometric progression in the number of persons registered or recruited» (art. L. 122-6 and art. L. 122-7 of the code of consumption) and “this prohibition is subject to penalties of fine or imprisonment. »
The correctional tribunal of Albertville for example sentenced to penalties of four to ten months in prison suspended 33 Savoyards who participated in a money game akin to a Ponzi pyramid, was learned from the Prosecutor’s office.
These sentences for fraud, was accompanied by fines between 4,500 and € 20,000. Four other defendants were fined with simple fines.
Penalties for the offence of fraud
First of all, it should be recalled that the prescription of the scam is acquired after a period of three years from the day of the return of the coveted thing.
The maximum penalties for fraud are:
-For natural persons: 5 years ‘ imprisonment, €375,000 fine and ban or confiscation of certain rights.
-For legal persons: €1.875.000 fine as well as the penalties provided for in article 131-39 of the criminal code.
The attempt is punishable by the same penalties.
The penalties are raised to seven years in prison and €750,000 fine when the scam is carried out:
-By a person vested with public authority or a public service mission, in the exercise or on the occasion of the exercise of its functions or its mission (article 313-2 – 1 ° of the criminal code);
-By a person who unduly takes the quality of a person vested with public authority or responsible for a public service mission (article 313-2 – 2 ° of the criminal code);
-By a person who appealed to the public to the issue of securities or for fundraising purposes for humanitarian or social assistance (section 313-2 – 3 ° of the criminal code);
-To the detriment of a person whose particular vulnerability, due to his age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or a State of pregnancy, is apparent or known perpetrator (article 313-2 – 3 ° of the criminal code).
The penalties are raised to ten years in prison and €1,000,000 fine where fraud is committed in organized band.
This want to say that if sponsor you what-qu´un you are liable of Delia d´escroquerie is organized band, if this bleaching is.
Money laundering
Money laundering is to conceal funds from illegal sources (drug trafficking, theft, fraud (including pyramid selling), selling weapons, robbery, tax evasion,…) by reinvesting them in legal activity (real estate, restoration, etc.). IT
The objective of the author of money laundering is to facilitate the false justification of the origin of these sums to the authorities. In practice, money-laundering “dirty money” may appear in the form of different mechanisms, as for example the establishment of false invoices between several companies.
In France, money laundering is punishable under article 324-1 of the penal Code which provides for a sentence of 5 years in prison and a fine of € 375 000. This sanction may be increased in some cases. For example, the penalty is increased to 10 years imprisonment and 750000 euro fine in two cases: when money laundering is committed habitually or by using the facilities provided by the exercise of a professional activity and when it is committed in organized gang. For a complete point on penalties, see articles of the penal Code concerning simple laundering and aggravated laundering.
Recall of l´AMF published March 12, 2014
AMF cautions public against investment offers promising exceptional yields relying, visible or otherwise, on the establishment of a system of recruitment, membership or sponsorship. Very attractive appearance, these offers are dangling high gains that are unrealistic. They usually hide’s actual scams for laundering money and in most cases, in some cases, loss of the placement of departure for the saver.
This type of installation can take various forms: trading on the Forex market (via an unauthorized FOREX platform), or mail order of goods or services. The goal for these companies is to continuously recruit new members added to existing members. The latter recruited bring new funds entering, which are partly donated to the former members to gain and maintain their confidence: this is what is called a pyramid. Media and internet in particular, neighbourhood, “word of mouth”: recruitment may be done in various ways.
The device lasts as long as new recruitments are possible. When it collapses, sometimes quite rapidly, members typically lose the entirety of their bet in favour, often the single initiator and his accomplices.
The AMF calls savers to the utmost vigilance and invites them to:
- Do not respond to this type of offers and do not relay them to third parties;
- In the case of fraud, victims must file a complaint and provide all possible information to the competent judicial authorities (references for money transfers, identified contacts, addresses, emails or emails, etc.).
In General, the AMF advises investors to follow the following rules before any investment:
- No commercial speech should make us forget that there is no investment offering high returns with no risk;
- Learn about the legality of the financial intermediary that offers the product by consulting the list of the establishments authorized to operate in France ( > high-speed access > savings products approved (GECO)).
An intermediary not authorised is subject to criminal penalties.
To answer the questions and queries of savers, the AMF provides its site internet or the savings Info service 01 53 45 62 00 from Monday to Friday from 9 h to 17 h.
Institute for the financial education of the public (IEFP) provides investors with a presentation of systems of pyramid selling on its Web site:
Press contact:
Directorate of communication of the AMF – Caroline Zoutleeuw – Tel : + 33 (0) 1 53 45 60 39 or + 33 (0) 1 53 45 60 28