Network undertake, Anaxago, and Lendix have a partnership to strengthen funding in crowdfunding for SMEs

anaxago network undertake lendix

Network undertake, Anaxago and Lendix sign a partnership to strengthen the funding in crowdfunding for SMEs




Entreprendre, specialist of entrepreneurial support since 1986, has just signed a partnership with the Anaxago and Lendix crowdfunding platforms in order to offer its winners a new offer of fast and secure financing via a fund raiser or a loan to the business. The three partners are playing on the essential role of entrepreneurial support to secure the financing of the winners, from investors and lenders. Relying on the expertise of Anaxago and Lendix, Réseau Entreprendre and its partners are part of a strong societal approach to developing participatory funding allowing investors and lenders to be not only committed actors but also make their savings useful to the economy via the support creative enterprises to employment.

A new solution for potential entrepreneurs.

Beyond the loan of honour awarded to the winners (31 K€ on average per project), Réseau Entreprendre and its partners offer new solutions to strengthen the financing of companies at two levels:

  • Anaxago (crowd-equity) offers the possibility to recipients who wish to raise between 150 K€ and 1 500 K€ capital in less than 90 days thanks to a dedicated team who pilot the process (due diligence, valuation of the Pact partners or legal services,…) and help the winner to animate its communication campaign (webmarketing).
  • Lendix (crowd-lending), made a loan to the company in 17 days, up to 1 million euros, without personal guarantee or insurance.

The partnership between Réseau Entreprendre, Anaxago and Lendix is based on the triptych: quality, volume, and security. Thanks to potential recipients of Réseau Entreprendre and their entrepreneurial support, the projects proposed for funding on both platforms are of quality and safe for investors. The winners, on the other:

  • earn time in the insurance to apply to professional platforms and solutions to potential companies
  • enjoy a premium on the part of Anaxago and Lendix service particularly in the preparation of their campaign of crowdfunding
  • cater to a large community of investors: 2 500 retail and institutional lenders registered on Lendix, 50 000 registered Anaxago and 5 200 members of Réseau Entreprendre entrepreneurs.

Accompaniment: a label of confidence for investors.

Through entrepreneurial support enjoyed by the winners of Réseau Entreprendre, investors and lenders are more attentive to their projects because, with survival rates above average national (92% in 3 years), support plays an essential role for secure and facilitate the financing of these young companies. Network undertake, Anaxago and Lendix are using this advantage to secure the investment community and ensure recipients an optimal volume of financing.

Develop participatory funding in France.

Through this tripartite partnership, Réseau Entreprendre becomes the first network of accompaniment to formalise an offer in crowdfunding to finance companies with two platforms on fundraising, Anaxago and leaders on the loan to the company, Lendix. Network undertake selected for its winners, the most professional platforms, listening to entrepreneurs to potential but also leaders in their respective profession. Faced with the multiplication of desintermedie financing offers and the growing financial needs of creators, owners and developers of future SME, Réseau Entreprendre, Anaxago and Lendix wished to work together to provide responsive, fast, and secure solutions. _

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