Tired of not having enough salary and paying too much? I here present you solutions to these problems. In times of crisis, everything is good to take.
Spend wisely
Stop paying too much of the things you can have cheaper, play competition.
Use the sites from cash back
The cashback is to recover a percentage of the amount of your purchases in cash (between 1 and 5% in general).
Beruby; cash-back; cashbackgeneration; Cashandco; Cashinfo; Ebuyclub; Edengo; Fun – c; Igraal; Ipense; Mailorama; Moolineo; Poulpeo; Hairstyle; Wajestic
Private d´achats sites
Some sites offer you private and less expensive d´acheter as company; Sales-du-diable, etc…
Use price comparator:
Before you buy on the internet, make sure that there is no cheaper elsewhere.
- Generalist comparators: Google (more complete) Shopping, Kelkoo, Twenga, i-comparer, Idealo, guide, etc…
- The comparators of travel (plane tickets, hotels,…): Kayak, Liligo, Hipmunk, etc… (see our top)
- The comparators of banks and financial products: France Transactions, Panorabanques, I Change, etc…
- The comparators of mobile and internet packages: Best Mobile, choose its package, all packages, etc…
- Petrol price comparators: S., Carbeo, or that of the Government… or highway Eco to select the cheapest route.
- Use coupons. Before paying, make sure if there is no coupon codes to reduce the Bill for a few euros. Attention, it is rarely compatible with the cashback.
- My favorite promo codes sites:
Coupons of Reduction, Ma Reduc, Wikio Shopping codes-advantage etc… or simply Google (query "coupon code" + name of the dealer).
Change your bank
A change of Bank can be beneficial, less costs, less paper. Plus enjoy these last to receive a gift of welcome.
Earn money
Necessarily after spend-less earn more.
With the d´investissements sites
Crowdfunding sites and crowdlending will give you l´acces the ability to properly remunerate your savings
- Crowdfunding sites: Abundancegeneration; Anaxago; Aucoffre; Bolden; BullionVault.com; Credit.fr; Crowdimo; Estateguru; Etoro; Finsquare; Fundingtree; Lendix; Lendosphere: Look & end; Pretup; Prexem; Saving stream
By advertising
Become a star of the web and monetize your audience. It y of dozens of possibilities.
Create a site / blog and put advertising
Some blog platforms allow you to earn money with your blog (like Overblog), otherwise, if you have the hand on your site, skills and time, the simplest and most effective service remains Google adSense.
Sell passes for access to content
There are passes for abuse scheduled as the download of logos etc. Allopass
D´affiliation sites
1TPE; eurosptp; Likeup; Sendinup; Yooclick; GOLD BAR
Publishing articles and videos sponsored
There are many boards to earn money by publishing an article sponsored or disseminating a video on your blog / website / twitter account / facebook page. interestingif you have many fans:
- Recommend products and services. Many platforms of membership allow you to recover money if you recommend a product / service and the user buys behind. Codecanyon, TradeDoubler, Zanox, Commission Junction, NetAffiliation, Affilinet, Affilae, etc.
- Make videos. Distribute (original) videos, and be paid according to the number of views.
- The best platforms to broadcast his videos. YouTube and DailyMotion. Yes the no miracles
Advertise on his car
Just paste a big sticker saying that eating at Sebastian, c´est well. Ideal for pay you your insurance. Movin' pub, Carlogo or Makadz.
Sell his talents (and his time)
It is simply paid telecommuting.
Sell his skills as a freelance
- Pour les développeurs : codeur.com, Odesk, …
- For others: 5euros, Fiverr, crowd Factory,…
Write, translate or correct content
You soyezjournaliste, freelance, bilingual, or simple expert, you can write on all types of subjects.
- Some sites: Edit-Ze Village, My Translation,…
Sell her photos / videos
You have a real talent of photographer, or you've just photographed a people / event that may be the one? Sell your photo! interesting in the long term.
- Some sites: Dreamstime. Depositphotos; Fotolia: imagetwist; IStockphoto; imgtrex;
Sell its documents, studies, essays, etc…
You love to write? You have a mass of interesting? You are studying? You can sell the documents that you have written!
- Some sites: 123rf. Academon; O'Connor; Encyclodocs; TextMaster, etc…
Sell what you no longer want
You want to sell old trinkets quickly for a move? N´attendez not the empty annual attic, fast ago.
- To resell its goods: Le Bon Coin, Vivastreet, Ebay, PriceMinister,…
Try the rental between individuals
Around you, people have needs a hand (DIY, gardening, school support, etc.) or equipment. Why not help them against a little money? Mow the lawn, cut trees, made of ironing, give courses… You also sometimes go on holiday? That fall well by exchanging your home you can have additional income or enjoy d´un cheaper stay.
- Rent his car to individuals: Buzzcar,…
The sportsbook or poker
You can also try the sports paris. However attention to addictions, the House always wins
Answer surveys
- Make the Guinea pig
Participate in testing of products or consumer meetings proposed by companies.
- Opine, respond to surveys, doing consumer tests:
More you have, the more you earn: Toluna, polls GfK, mySurvey, Place opinions, Panelia, Gaddin, hairstyle, Listen to Your Senses, Mobile & Tablet App, etc…
- Become a mystery shopper:
Multi-Value, Presence, Qualivox, reflecting Client…
Note: just to tell you that even with all the methods, I advise you too keep your job, because having same €1000 monthly gross is difficult.
More sponsorships and promotional codes? read this article http://richesse-et-finance.com/parrainage-meuilleurs-sites/